All Eyes on Two New Eco-friendly Ferries

  • Ships designed to incorporate the latest technical and environmental concepts.
  • Order for the engines placed in July 2020.

Wärtsilä has won the contract to supply the engines and a range of its electric solutions for two new ferries under construction at the China Merchants Jinling Shipyard (Weihai) in China, says a press release published on their website.

‘Superstar’ vessels

The two vessels will operate between Finland and Sweden across the Baltic Sea. They will feature Wärtsilä 46F main...

Persistent Criticisms on Scrubber Debate are “Just Plain Wrong”

  • The comments from the debate came as the scrubber manufacturer sought to debunk what it sees at three core arguments against the use of the technology, saying they are not grounded in science.
  • The first is that IMO delegates never intended for scrubbers to be adopted in the way that they have been, and critics point to the omission of scrubbers from the original Annex VI as support for this.
  • The second criticism addressed is that the use of scrubbers is at odds with the spirit of MARPOL Annex...