Puertos de Tenerife aspira a ser miembro de EcoPorts en 2021

La Autoridad Portuaria de Santa Cruz de Tenerife aspira a convertirse en 2021 en miembro de EcoPorts, organización cuya certificación ambiental supone el máximo reconocimiento al efecto avalado por la Asociación de Puertos Europeos (ESPO). “La obtención de este reconocimiento confirmaría que nuestros puertos son, cada vez más, puertos verdes, lo que supondría un importante avance y reconocimiento a la labor en defensa del medioambiente que viene desarrollando hace años el ente portuario...


ESPO congratulates Port of Huelva for renewing EcoPorts’ environmental standard (PERS)

Isabelle Ryckbost

ESPO congratulates Port of Huelva for renewing EcoPorts’ environmental standard (PERS)

18 April 2019

ESPO congratulates Port of Huelva (Spain) for renewing EcoPorts’ environmental management standard (PERS) after obtaining it for the first time in 2016.

Being PERS certified requires among others that the port enhances communication with the local community and increases transparency by making its environmental report publicly available. It also implies that the port is effectively...


Port of Newcastle meets EcoPorts standards

Port of Newcastle has become the first port in Australia or New Zealand to commit to meeting global environmental and sustainability standards as set by EcoPorts.

The port was this month granted membership of the International EcoPorts network, having completed rigorous assessments to benchmark its environmental and sustainability practices against 120 major ports across Europe, Asia, North America and South America.

Developed in 1997, EcoPorts remains the only Environmental Management Standard...
