European shipping key for Europe’s security with 35% of global fleet, studies find

Ahead of the European Shipping Summit, European Shipowners release today a Deloitte study on the EU Shipping Competitiveness and a CE Delft study on the economic value of European shipping.

European shipping represents a geopolitical asset for Europe facilitating the export and import of goods, food and energy, a Deloitte study finds.

Whilst the EU represents around 15% of the global GDP, the European shipping fleet is one of the largest in the world, representing around 35% of the world fleet in...

EU shipowners highlight importance of seafarers in Ukraine crisis

EU shipowners highlight importance of seafarers in Ukraine crisis

Philippos Philis, President of ECSA

ECSA urges regulators to guarantee seafarers’ mobility and their rights as essential workers.

European shipowners are following very closely the impacts of the events in Ukraine on the crews and the safe continuation of shipping operations.

The EU fleet relies heavily on Ukrainian and Russian seafarers, which make up a significant percentage of the current shipping workforce. Ukrainian and Russian...

European shipowners support EU parliamentary proposal on commercial operators and a sector-dedicated fund

European shipowners support EU parliamentary proposal on commercial operators and a sector-dedicated fund

Sotiris Raptis, ECSA’s Acting Secretary-General

European shipowners welcome the proposal of the European Parliament’s Rapporteur on the EU ETS, MEP Peter Liese, to introduce a requirement for a binding clause in contractual agreements between shipowners and commercial operators and to ensure that the latter pay for the costs of the EU ETS. ECSA also supports the proposal of the Rapporteur to...

Philippos Philis takes over as ECSA president with Karin Orsel as Vice-President

Philippos Philis takes over as ECSA president with Karin Orsel as Vice-President

Philippos Philis

Philippos Philis has been appointed as new ECSA President by the General Assembly for a two-year term starting in January with Karin Orsel as new Vice-President. He succeeds Claes Berglund, who served as President since 2020.

The beginning of the new ECSA Presidency comes at a very challenging time as the global economy is sailing through the unchartered waters of the COVID pandemic. In parallel, the...

Supply chain partners in constructive dialogue to overcome logistics challenges

Supply chain partners in constructive dialogue to overcome logistics challenges

John W. Butler

Brussels, 14 December 2021 – Shippers and carriers met yesterday to talk about the causes and effects of recent supply chain disruption coinciding with the COVID 19 pandemic. The meeting brought together a broad representation of members from the European Shippers Council (ECS) and the World Shipping Council (WSC) and the Secretariat of the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA). This is the...

ECSA at UN climate change conference COP26

ECSA at UN climate change conference COP26

Claes Berglund, ECSA President and Director of Public Affairs and Sustainability at Stena

ECSA is a shipping association partner of the shipping conference organised by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) on the 6th of November on the margins of UNFCCC COP26 in Glasgow. The ‘Shaping the future of Shipping’ conference will bring together ministers, key policy-makers as well as industry leaders.

Attendees will identify ways to increase investment in...

European shipowners support commercial operators to bear the costs of EU ETS and call for a sector-dedicated fund

European shipowners support commercial operators to bear the costs of EU ETS and call for a sector-dedicated fund

Claes Berglund, ECSA President and Director of Public Affairs and Sustainability at Stena

ECSA published today its policy paper on the EU ETS proposal. European shipowners welcome the increased climate ambition of the ‘Fit for 55’ package, recognising that the climate crisis is one of the greatest economic and environmental challenges our societies have faced.

European shipowners...

ETF and ECSA are ready to deliver better responses for future challenges of the workforce in maritime transport.

ETF and ECSA are ready to deliver better responses for future challenges of the workforce in maritime transport.

We are proud to announce that the final report of the EU-wide project MapMar is out!

Based on the outcomes of this final report, we can happily say that the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) together with the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) are better prepared to explain the requirements for any EU-wide data collection system to foresee the needs of...

European shipowners welcome the Fit for 55 climate package but fear lack of consistency among proposals may undermine increased climate ambition

European shipowners welcome the Fit for 55 climate package but fear lack of consistency among proposals may undermine increased climate ambition

Claes Berglund, ECSA President and Director of Public Affairs and Sustainability at Stena

ECSA welcomes the increased climate ambition of the ‘Fit for 55’ climate package published today, recognising that the climate crisis is one of the greatest humanitarian, economic and environmental challenges our societies are facing. However, European shipowners...

European shipowners voice their support for SeaFairerFuture

European shipowners voice their support for SeaFairerFuture

June 25th is the International Day of the Seafarer. Today everyone should be reminded of the strenuous efforts of over 1.6 million seafarers, men and women at sea in Europe and all around the world.

June 25th is the International Day of the Seafarer. Today everyone should be reminded of the strenuous efforts of over 1.6 million seafarers, men and women at sea in Europe and all around the world.
Every year, European shipping contributes...