FreightWaves Classics/Pioneers: Edward Hines led roadway construction and beautification

Detroit's Woodward Avenue. (Photo: Library of Congress)

In a recent FreightWaves Classics article, the story of Dr. June McCarroll was recounted. According to a historic marker, “She personally painted the first known stripe in California on Indio Boulevard, then part of U.S. Route 99, during 1917.”

In the same article it was reported that the first documented use of a painted centerline was recorded on Trenton’s River Road in Wayne County, Michigan in 1911. Edward N. Hines, chairman of the Wayne County Board of Roads, was the first person who...

FreightWaves Classics/Pioneers: Thank Doc June for road markings

Markings on a rural road. (Photo: Vidar Nordli-Mathisen/Unsplash)

International Women’s Day, a global celebration of the economic, political and social achievements of women, began on March 8, 1911. Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society and has been observed annually in March in the United States since 1987.

To help celebrate Women’s History Month, FreightWaves Classics will continue to profile a number of women who made contributions to transportation during the month of March.

