Clean Shipping Alliance Contradicts ICCT’s Wash Water Report

  • The environmental group ICCT published a report on wash water discharge given out by scrubbers.
  • The Clean Shipping Alliance expresses its concern about the wrong perception of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (“scrubbers”) and wash water discharges.

Following the release of a report by environmental group ICCT, the Clean Shipping Alliance expresses its concern about the wrong perception of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (“scrubbers”) and wash water discharges portrayed in the publication, says an...

VDL AEC Installs 24 Scrubbers On Maran Vessels

VDL AEC Maritime says it has completed the Installation of 24 scrubbers on vessels of Athens based ship owner Maran Dry Management Inc, reports Ship&Bunker.

Despite the challenges

The programme has been underway for the last three years.“Despite the many challenges at the various shipyards in South East Asia the joint project Team of Maran Dry Management Inc, and VDL AEC Maritime was always able to deliver according the strict and predefined schedule and maintain an average of 20 installation...

Update on Scrubber Discharge Bans in Countries & Ports

Countries and Ports to hold Restrictions on EGCS Discharges Apply, an article was published on North P&I Club.

Scrubber in shipping industry

It is known that the use of scrubbers has split the shipping industry. To date, several ports and regions have stated that they will not allow the discharge of washwater from scrubbers.

In light of the above, North P&I Club summarized the positions taken by ports that have or will prohibit the use of scrubbers, or have placed conditions on their use.


Risks Extremely High for Non-compliance, Warns Experts from Wärtsilä

More than 90% of the global vessel fleet rely on sulphur cap-compliant fuels after the implementation of global sulphur cap, while the remaining lines choose to invest in different technologies and operational investments such as scrubbers, says an article published in Wärtsilä website.

Environmental impact

As more industries acknowledge the role of climate change in economic growth and labour productivity, entire segments of the economy are taking steps to limit their environmental impact. 


VM’s Plug and Play Scrubber Installed Onboard Wijnne Barend’s Vessels

  • Value Maritime developed a small prefabricated, pre-installed, “plug and play” scrubber.
  • The 9.0MW scrubber is hybrid ready and a closed-loop module can be delivered optionally.
  • The scrubber can be easily be placed and taken off from a vessel and be used on another vessel.
  • The total cost for the scrubber system including installation is far lower than that of other existing scrubber retrofits.

Value Maritime developed a small prefabricated, pre-installed, plug and play EGCS in a 30ft...

Wärtsilä’s Long Term Outlook on EGCS

  • Wärtsilä orderbook fully booked for the remainder of 2019, and had secured orders for delivery for dates as late as the second half of 2020.
  • Orderbook evenly split between newbuilds and retrofits, with a large proportion of orders for closed-loop and hybrid systems and the majority for open-loop scrubbers.
  • Around 3,000 scrubbers likely to be installed by the end of 2019, and a further 1,000 units on order.
  • Conversion of 40,000 vessels that are likely to be moving from HSFO to MGO or LSFO is...

Why Persistent Criticisms of Scrubbers Are Wrong?

  • Continued use of HSFO with exhaust gas cleaning systems has repeatedly been confirmed as an important part of the IMO’s policymaking arsenal.
  • Scrubber opponents’ argue that installing a scrubber relies on a persistently high price spread between LSFO and HSFO and that a spread of this kind will not last.
  • The recent analysis points to a significant stretch in the price gap between high-sulphur and low-sulphur fuels next year onwards which is universally anticipated.
  • The prices of LSFO and HSFO...

China’s Scrubber Restriction Zone To Be Expanded

  • BEIJING to expand its ECA limit where the discharge of wash water from open-loop exhaust gas cleaning system are prohibited.
  • Expansion  will require vessels with open-loop scrubbers to switch to complaint fuels when entering the ECA, potentially reducing savings upon using cheaper HSFO.
  • IMO has stipulated that discharged wash water should not be greater than 50 micrograms per litre phenanthrene equivalence above the inlet water PAH.
  • Chinese seawater quality standards have a cap of 0.0025...

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