Openness critical for future development of green bond market

Openness critical for future development of green bond market

Friday 3 December 2021 – Vol.12 Ed.48.5

Commentary: Investors seek ‘transparency, engagement and open dialogue’ in green bond issuance

By Taylor Pearce in London

Green, social and sustainable bond issuance has skyrocketed, increasing to $750bn in 2021 from $77bn in 2017. At a 30 November workshop, a panel of investors, all major buyers of green bonds, spoke about their appetite for GSS bonds. They were outspoken about their frustration...

Hawks succeed in ECB review, Central banks must change course to avoid possible financial crisis, and more

Hawks succeed in ECB review, Central banks must change course to avoid possible financial crisis, and more


Latest opinion and analysis from OMFIF around the world

5-9 July 2021, Vol.12 Ed.27

Most-Read Commentary

Hawks succeed in ECB review – but can they win next battle?: The ECB has introduced greater leeway into its inflation-targeting regime, rediscovering an old if oft-forgotten tradition of the German Bundesbank – flexibility. The agreement set a symmetrical 2% price rise...

Seven lessons for a British Investment Bank, Consequences of success and failure – Making a modern central bank

Seven lessons for a British Investment Bank, Consequences of success and failure – Making a modern central bank

Thursday 12 November 2020    –     Vol.11 Ed.46.4

Commentary: Lessons for a British Investment Bank

By Suma Chakrabarti in London

The case for a British Investment Bank is becoming increasingly compelling. The UK’s levelling up agenda, loss of funding from the EIB after Brexit, the notorious shyness of private capital to invest for the national good and pressures on the long-term public...

Grimaldi Group Asks EIB Some €50m For Supporting Fleet Retrofitting With Scrubbers

Grimaldi Group returned to the European Investment Bank, asking for €70m, on a total cost of €150m, for a project involving “the retrofitting of SOx exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) to 10 ro-pax ferries, 17 conro vessels, 11 ro-ro vessels and 6 vehicle carriers” for a ‘total of 44 vessels’,...