Leadership, the buzzword for shipping success

John Faraclas – picture by ecopack77

You all know our pathos and love for leadership and its importance for Shipping’s success and not only we have dozens of articles in this medium, but we also deliver many speeches in academia and other sectors all over Planet Ocean.

An excellent webinar was recently hosted and moderated by Sean Maloney of Ship Management International and sponsored by the CBS Executive MBA in Shipping and Logistics with some great shipping individuals, including some old good...


The BDI@1,578: an expected volatility and contained fall…

John Faraclas

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) lost six points thanks to the Capes’ fall… Geopolitics as crucial as ever… particularly on the platoon and financial sector… John Faraclas daily briefing:

The Capes’ BCI was down 25 points at 2,164 – …the classic volatile size…

Panamaxes were up saving the day with the BPI at 1,793; hope the 1,800 points will soon be conquered…

The Supras lost the 1,200 point threshold and now read 1,196 – minus four…

The Handies’ BHSI continue to prove that you don’t have to...


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