Trucking electrification throttled by excessive ownership costs

Battery electric trucks face cost headwinds
(Photo: Jim Allen/FreightWaves)

Recent releases by Ryder System and Knight-Swift highlight the growing awareness of the added costs required for fleets that face increased pressure to transition to electric vehicles. A major challenge for long-haul trucking is cost, and current incentives from the Inflation Reduction Act only cover up to a maximum of $40,000 for commercial clean vehicles weighing over 14,000 pounds. A new Class 8 battery electric...

Tesla’s Q1 revenue falls 9% amid mass layoffs in California, Texas

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said the company will accelerate the launch of less expensive EV models after its profits and revenue under performed for the third consecutive quarter.

“The EV adoption rate globally is under pressure, and a lot of other auto manufacturers are pulling back on EVs and pursuing plug-in hybrids instead,” Musk said during an earnings call with analysts Tuesday after the market closed. “We believe this is not the right strategy, and electric vehicles will ultimately dominate the...

Loaded and Rolling: ATRI reports on California’s electric truck challenges

ATRI reports on California’s electric truck challenges
(Source: ATRI)

A report released Monday by the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) examines the costs and potential impacts associated with California’s push for zero-emission vehicles. This report is a companion to a December 2022 ATRI report titled “Charging Infrastructure Challenges for the U.S. Electric Vehicle Fleet.” Both reports highlight that full vehicle fleet electrification would require substantially more...

Electric fleets made possible through innovative infrastructure partnerships

Transportation companies across the globe have increased their focus on sustainability in recent years. This eco-friendly push can largely be attributed to emerging government regulations and growing consumer concerns. 

In an effort to clean up their acts, many fleet owners have become laser focused on moving away from diesel fuel, which accounts for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions in the sector. Heavy-duty electric trucks are poised to be one of the primary solutions to this issue. 


Electrification of trucking industry is ‘around the corner’

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This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ Net-Zero Carbon Summit on Thursday


Tech advocate: Careful planning key to avoiding electric truck pitfalls

One of the biggest challenges to the widespread adoption and implementation of electric and fuel cell-powered transportation is infrastructure, according to Dan Raudebaugh, executive director of the Center for Transportation and the Environment.

Raudebaugh joined FreightWaves’ Net-Zero Carbon Summit on Thursday to discuss how his organization has used planning strategies to execute electrification/alternative fuel projects for commercial transportation providers across the country.

“The long pole...

Only 1 key trucking bill likely to pass in Congress, GovTrack says

WASHINGTON — A slate of trucking-related bills introduced in Congress this year are in various stages of the legislative process, including several proposals to raise federal weight limits on interstates, expand truck parking and streamline the process for issuing CDLs.

Like all legislation introduced on Capitol Hill, however, the chances of most trucking bills actually being enacted into law are slim.

In the 117th Congress (January 2021-January 2023), about 11% of all 15,055 bills introduced...

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