Emerge Benchmarking recopila datos sobre el transporte de mercancías en tiempo real para una contratación más inteligente

Emerge anunció el lunes que ha actualizado su plataforma de adquisición de carga con una nueva solución, Emerge Benchmarking, que acumula fuentes de datos de carga en tiempo real para ayudar a los cargadores a evaluar sus procesos de RFP y ejecutar sus adquisiciones con una mejor inteligencia de mercado. 

“Históricamente, los cargadores utilizaban las herramientas de benchmarking para mostrar cómo se desempeñan en comparación con el mercado en general y para explicar a sus superiores por qué...


Emerge Benchmarking complies real-time freight data for smarter procurement

Emerge announced Monday it has upgraded its freight procurement platform with a new solution, Emerge Benchmarking, which accumulates sources of real-time freight data to help shippers evaluate their RFP processes and execute their procurement with better market intelligence.

“Historically, shippers used benchmarking tools to show how they are performing compared to the overall market and to explain to their higher-ups why they are paying 50% more than the previous year,” founder and CEO Andrew...


Data-driven decision making creates change in supply chain

Silver truck n highway

“Data” has become a popular word in the transportation and logistics industry over the past several years. At this point, shippers are well aware that they need access to data in order to make the best decisions possible for their business. There tends to be some confusion, however, around determining which data points are important and what exactly to do with that information once it is secured. 

For shippers, the true value of data lies in its cost-saving and performance-enhancing potential....


Flexibility enables shippers to compete, remain relevant in volatile market

The logistics industry is characterized by volatility, and companies hoping to thrive in the space need to be able to adapt to change more or less instantaneously. Agility is more important than ever as pandemic-related headwinds continue to play out and new technologies strengthen competing companies by offering increased flexibility.

A few weeks ago, carriers had the market cornered, leading to fluctuating volumes and soaring spot rates. Now, volumes are beginning to stabilize, tender...


Identifying how and when to build RFPs all year long

As more shippers move away from annual contracts in favor of more frequent bid processes, knowing exactly when and how to build RFPs throughout the year can be a challenge. Most shippers are used to executing one bid process per year, and learning how to take advantage of shorter contracts requires practice and a good partner.

No matter how long the contract term is, building the most effective RFPs possible requires self-awareness, attention to detail, industry insights, and a willingness to...


Why shorter bid processes will soon be the norm

While annual RFPs are still considered an industry standard, shippers are becoming less enthralled with these yearlong commitments. Volatile freight markets — like those seen since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic — highlight the risks of long contracts. At the same time, high-tech solutions designed to make the bid process cheaper, easier and quicker are entering the market. 

The freight market has proved incredibly unstable over the past two years, with capacity constraints driving...


Produce season pushes shippers to reevaluate rates, contracts

Temperatures are rising steadily throughout the Southeast, and that can only mean one thing: produce season. As farmers prepare for harvest, shippers should ready themselves for the seasonal rate increases and capacity shortages that accompany fresh fruits and veggies each year.. This year that means preparing for prices to continue climbing and continued strained capacity. 

“Generally, we will notice capacity tightening as we see seasonal, higher-paying loads increase. We usually recognize this...


Doing well and doing good: Sustainability and profitability go hand in hand

Sustainability has become one of the hottest topics across the logistics industry. Companies are taking a variety of approaches to cleaning up their supply chains — from purchasing electric trucks and investing in automation to reimagining packaging and paperwork processes. In addition to more specific eco-conscious changes, many companies are helping the planet by simply making their operations more efficient, therefore cutting down on waste and empty miles.

The push for greener transportation...


Ramsdell joins Emerge as chief operating officer

Scottsdale, Arizona-based digital freight procurement platform Emerge named Cameron Ramsdell its chief operating officer Monday morning. Ramsdell, who joins Chief Executive Officer Andrew Leto and President George Abernathy on the company’s executive team, said he plans to focus on the capacity side of Emerge’s marketplace.

Previously, Ramsdell served for nearly three years as the president of Variant, an automated digital fleet inside U.S. Xpress (NYSE: USX). Prior to Variant, Ramsdell was at...


Advanced technologies help industry navigate severe weather conditions

Tractor-trailer heading down a highway with lightning across a dark sky.

Companies have been laser focused on streamlining their supply chains and cutting out inefficiencies over the past few years. Advances in technology have allowed companies to gain new levels of visibility into their shipments, prevent equipment breakdowns before they occur and automate much of the routine paperwork inherent to doing business. However, no amount of technological advancement has  been able to control Mother Nature. 

There are more than 5.8 million vehicle crashes each year in the...
