EU and IMO Align Systems on Shipping and Carbon Emission

The shipping and Carbon emission issues go hand in hand. There are various regulations to deal with carbon emissions and various IMO and EU regulations to deal with ship emissions. Now, the IMO and EU are planning to integrate these regulations for a zero-carbon shipping system in the next few years, reports the Lexology.

Here’s how EU and IMO are working for a comprehensive regulation.

EU Proposals

On 4 February 2019 the European Commission (EC) tabled a proposal concerning the amendment of...

Port Of Tallinn Rewards Emission-Reducing Ships With Discount On Tonnage Fees

Port Of Tallinn

Starting in 2019, ships participating in the Environmental Ship Index (ESI) in working towards reducing air emissions may apply for up to 8 per cent discount on tonnage fees in the harbours of the Port of Tallinn. The new port pricing system involving differentiated port fees is aimed at encouraging shipping companies to adopt environmentally friendlier technologies and thus also contribute to the health of Baltic Sea ecosystem.

“All the vessels sailing on the Baltic Sea must, naturally, meet...