EU Beginning to Grasp Realities of Shipping, says INTERCARGO

EU Beginning to Grasp Realities of Shipping, says INTERCARGO

The recent proposal by MEP Peter Liese to update Amendment 9 of the EU emissions trading system (ETS) draft directive and support the ‘polluter pays’ principle is cautiously welcomed by INTERCARGO, the international association representing the world’s quality dry bulk shipping sector.

This recognition that often the shipping company is not the commercial entity controlling the ship operation, and thus is not responsible for the...

EU’s Idea To Add Shipping in ETS Garners Opposition

  • Japan has officially opposed the EU’s plan to include the shipping sector in the emissions trading system (ETS).
  • It is calling on efforts to accelerate development of global measures for decarbonisation of international shipping.
  • The Japanese government is opposing the planned inclusion of shipping in the EU-ETS, which could undermine global efforts to address shipping emissions.
  • It said the EU’s plan could impact the shipping industry globally after the decision was taken under the limited...

European Union Mulls To Embrace LNG as Marine Fuel

  • Having successfully negotiated the SOx hurdle; shipping now faces the immediate challenge posed by needing to turn climate change rhetoric into tangible action.
  • The European Union is playing a leading role in the struggle against climate change with European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.
  • Ursula notes that ‘Europeans are calling on us to drive the change’.
  • In response, earlier this year the European Parliament brought shipping into their climate plans setting greenhouse gas...