“Tougher than IMO” bill on ship emissions introduced in House

There have long been warnings that failure by IMO to act more aggressively on shipping decarbonization would lead more countries and regions to introduce their own measures. Already, the EU is moving to include shipping in its Emissions Trading System. Now, the discontent with IMO actions has reached the U.S. Congress in the form of a new Clean Shipping Act.

Congressman Alan Lowenthal (CA-47), who represents the Port of Long Beach, today introduced the Clean Shipping Act, legislation aimed at...


VIDEO: U.S. biomass exports could reach Japan on hard sail fitted ships

The Drax Group, whose U.K. power stations generate electricity using wood pellets produced from sustainable low-value commercial forestry residues, is also a major supplier of those pellets worldwide. Now it is looking for a greener way to get them from North America, where its pellets business is based, to power stations in Japan.

It is partnering with Japan’s MOL Drybulk to develop pellet carriers fitted with MOL’s Wind Challenger hard sail technology, with first ship expected as soon as 2025.



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