North Sea Port Wins The ESPO Award 2023 And ESPO Celebrates Its 30 Years

North Sea Port won the ESPO Award 2023 for its project “Connecting Nature in Ports and Residential Areas – Ghent Canal Zone and Moervaart Valley”. project focuses on developing the space between the industrial port and residential regions in the Ghent Canal Zone, emphasizing a multifunctional approach that goes beyond merely acting as a buffer, according to a press release published on its website.

About the project

Prioritizing nature development and restoration, the project aims to enhance...

G7 Struggles As Non-Western Tankers Dominate Russian Shipping

Credits: REUTERS/Yoruk Isik

Over 60% of Russian crude exports bypass G7 price cap via non-compliant tankers, complicating efforts to restrict Moscow’s oil revenue.

G7’s Price Cap

In September, 60% of Russian crude exports were transported by non-G7, non-Western tanker companies, as per S&P Global data. Western insurers had covered Russian oil shipments until February 2022, when they started withdrawing due to the Ukraine conflict.

The US-led price cap aimed to curb Moscow’s revenue, but non-Western...

Europe’s Ports Worry About Carbon and Business Leakage

Credits: Fujairah Port Authority

According to ESPO news, there are signs of carbon and business leakage before the EU ETS for the maritime sector.

Implementation process of the EU emission trading system

As part of the implementation process of the EU emission trading system (ETS) directive for the maritime sector, the Commission held a public consultation on the list of non-EU neighbouring ports that would fall under the “transhipment clause” that has been introduced in the directive intended to...

AFIR and FuelEU Maritime: ESPO calls for cooperation and flexibility in the roll-out of onshore power supply to ensure smooth implementation of the legislation

On Monday 10 July, the European Parliament will discuss in Strasbourg the final agreement on both the Regulation on the deployment of Alternative Fuel Infrastructure (‘AFIR’) – which sets the framework for the deployment of onshore power supply (OPS) in ports – and the Regulation on the use of...

ESPO welcomes the agreement on FuelEU Maritime to reduce emissions from shipping during navigation and at berth

“We are pleased that for the first time there is an agreement on the greening ambitions for shipping, both during navigation and at berth. The requirements for ships when to use of electricity at berth, will hopefully break the chicken and egg discussion,” says ESPO’s Secretary General Isabelle...

ESPO Spells Out Framework For Success Of EU ETS

Credit: John Simmons/ Unsplash

The European Sea Ports Organization (ESPO) says in order for the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) to be a success, measures against carbon and business leakage as well as the earmarking of funds for maritime must be strictly applied.

Preliminary Agreement

A preliminary agreement was reached amongst co-legislators on the inclusion of shipping in a maritime EU ETS at the end of November. ESPO has called on the European Parliament and Member States in Council to...