ETF and ECSA are ready to deliver better responses for future challenges of the workforce in maritime transport.

ETF and ECSA are ready to deliver better responses for future challenges of the workforce in maritime transport.

We are proud to announce that the final report of the EU-wide project MapMar is out!

Based on the outcomes of this final report, we can happily say that the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) together with the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) are better prepared to explain the requirements for any EU-wide data collection system to foresee the needs of...

ETF and ECSA call for recognition of seafarers as key workers and an introduction of specific rights and entitlements

ETF and ECSA call for recognition of seafarers as key workers and an introduction of specific rights and entitlements

Wednesday, 21 April – BrusselsGovernments, shipowners and seafarers groups are meeting this week in the Special Tripartite Committee of the Maritime Labour Convention to exchange information on the implementation of the MLC in the face of the challenges posed by the pandemic. On this occasion, ECSA and ETF have issued a Joint Statement on the recognition of seafarers as ‘key...

ECSA-ETF: EU shipping needs to attract and retain more women

ECSA-ETF: EU shipping needs to attract and retain more women 
Claes Berglund, ECSA President and Director of Public Affairs and Sustainability at Stena
The European social partners for Maritime Transport, the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA) and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), continue to advocate the enhanced participation of women in European shipping. On International Women’s Day, they are launching a survey that will help them determine the...

Maritime social partners request the European Commission to follow up on prompt and predictable disembarkation of rescued people in distress at sea

Maritime social partners request the European Commission to follow up on prompt and predictable disembarkation of rescued people in distress at sea

Ursula von der Leyen
ECSA, the ETF, the ICS and the ITF addressed a joint letter to Commission President Von der Leyen, Vice President Schinas, Commissioner Johansson and Commissioner Vălean reiterating their call for the European Commission to follow up on the promise to ensure prompt and predictable disembarkation of people in distress at sea...

North American dockers receive international support in their ongoing fight for racial justice

North American dockers receive international support in their ongoing fight for racial justice

Friday, 19 June – Brussels

A week after ILA and ILWU dockers shut down ports on the east and west coasts of the United States in solidarity with George Floyd and countless other victims of police brutality and racial injustice; our international dockers family is standing with our sisters and brothers of the ILWU and ILWU Canada, as they once again put down their tools to add their industrial muscle to...