Shippers Want Change As The EC Evaluation Of CBER Becomes A Point Of Contention

As the European Commission (EC) continues to investigate whether to prolong the Consortia Block Exemption Regulation (CBER), which permits vessel-sharing, the conflict between shipping lines and their clients is escalating as reported by The Loadstar.

Block exemption

The closing date for evidence submission to the EC was yesterday, and the current CBER expires on 25 April 2024.

Last month, Israel extended its block exemption for three years without any substantial changes.

But it is the EC that...

European Union’s ports ban Russian vessels

The European Commission (EC) has announced a ban on Russian vessels and Russian-operated ships from accessing European Union (EU) ports.

EC said there will be “certain exemptions” that will cover essentials, such as agricultural and food products, humanitarian aid as well as energy.

EC added it will propose a ban on Russian and Belarusian road transport operators. “This ban will drastically limit the options for the Russian industry to obtain key goods,” said European Commission.

The ban on...

European Commission approves German US$2.97 billion rail measures

The European Commission (EC) has approved, under EU State aid rules, two German schemes for the development of the rail freight and the long-distance rail passenger sector which were affected by the coronavirus outbreak.

The two schemes will ensure increased public support to encourage the shift of freight and passenger traffic from road to rail.

The European Commission’s support will take shape of the reduction of the charges paid by railway companies.

In particular, the first measure, with an...

ECSA welcomes recognition of the shipping industry as a transitional sector in sustainable finance package

ECSA welcomes recognition of the shipping industry as a transitional sector in sustainable finance package

Martin Dorsman

The European Commission adopted today a Sustainable Finance package with the aim of improving the flow of investments towards sustainable activities and hence using financial instruments to make Europe climate neutral by 2050. ECSA welcomes that the European shipping industry has been recognised under the Taxonomy as a transitional sector. However, ECSA emphasises that in...

Owners and environmentalists back EU Green Deal

Swedish and Greek shipowners have written to the European Commission (EC) expressing their support for a fair and targeted carbon pricing system with an Ocean Fund that will provide price stability, critical for smaller owners.

The letter was sent ahead of the EU decision on carbon pricing and the introduction of shipping into the Emission Trading System in June, and will coincide with the International Maritime Organization (IMO)’s Marine Environment Protection Committee meeting also in June....

Shippers accuse lines of failing exporters and consider legal redress

Shippers in Europe are going out of business as erratic deliveries of cargo containers leaves production lines stranded and European exporters, like their US counterparts, say that lines, in their rush to get empty boxes back to Asia, are not picking up export cargo.

According to the European Freight Forwarders Association (CLECAT) and the European Shippers’ Council (ESC) carriers have cut services and managed capacity as the pandemic spread across Europe without consideration for their...