ECSA names its first female president

The European Community Shipowners Association (ECSA) has appointed its first female president. Karin Orsel stepped into the role for a two-year term on January 1, succeeding Philippos Philis on the conclusion of his term. ECSA’s new vice president is Mikki Koskinen.

Orsel became a shipowner and maritime entrepreneur at the age of 23 and has been CEO of her ship management company MF Shipping Group since 2001. In 2017, she was appointed president of the Royal Association of Netherlands...

Macron claims slow-steaming the best way to cut box ship emissions

President Emmanuel Macron chose this week’s G7 summit to reaffirm France’s commitment to slow-steaming as the best tool to tackle climate change.
Mr Macron’s statement in Biarritz seemed to catch some observers off-guard, despite the French delegation to the IMO this year calling for slow-steaming to become IMO policy.
“We will engage with shipping companies to reduce speed the speed of merchant ships,” he said at the summit’s opening.
“It is one of …

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