Oceania: Royal Academy voyages through 500 years of Pacific culture

Papua New Guinea launch-day greeting.

Oceania: Royal Academy voyages through 500 years of Pacific culture

By James Brewer

In 1768, Lieutenant (later Captain) James Cook left Plymouth on HMS Endeavour on the first of three voyages to search for the fabled Terra Australis Incognita and to map the southern oceans. To Europeans, this made him a hero and discoverer – but he was far from being a pioneer. People living in the Pacific had for centuries been highly sophisticated, capable mariners. Thanks...


Daikin Reefer celebrates 50 years of Market – leading reefer innovation

Shin Furuta, President, Daikin Reefer,

With quality and reliability at its core, Daikin Reefer continues to push the boundaries of reefer technology

OSAKA, 27 September 2018: Daikin Reefer, a leading global supplier of container refrigeration equipment, is this month officially celebrating its 50th anniversary. Central to the evolution of the refrigerated container market since the very beginning, Daikin Reefer was one of the first major reefer manufacturers in 1968 and has maintained its...


The BDI@1,524 …hooray hooray?

The BDI (Baltic Dry Index) clinched 21 points earlier on today greatly assisting the mood for the World Maritime Day! Geopolitics in perplexed jeopardy; ultra-caution should be observed. John Faraclas daily briefing:

The Capes’ BCI managed a good 39 points plus and now stands at 1,949 points..

A dozen points for the Panamaxes BPI  now reading 1,689…

Any point is more than welcomed and that happened with the Supras’ BSI  now at 1,195 an the Handies’ BHSI now at 627!

The Wets were both up; the last...


Contained rise for the BDI@1,450…

John Faraclas

The BDI’s rise earlier on today was more or less …trimmed with a 16 points plus whilst at the UN things were heating up… John Faraclas’ brief report:

All indices were on the plus but with minimal or no change…

The Capes’ BCI  rose just four points to 1,868…

The Panamaxes BPI gained 30 good points and now reads 1,639!

Five points were enough for the Supras’ BSI now at 1,190 points, a very enviable level compared with all other sizes fluctuations…

No change for the Handies’ BHSI;...


Past, present and future of the IMF, Islamic private equity podcast

Commentary: Past, present and future of the IMF

By Mark Sobel in Washington

This year’s International Monetary Fund-World Bank Group annual meetings will take place in Bali, Indonesia, two decades following the Asia financial crisis and in one of the countries that posed great challenges for the IMF at the time. In this three-part series, I will examine the difficulties faced by the Fund then, how it has evolved, and the trials ahead. The IMF has demonstrated its relevance to a new generation...


World’s largest anti-corruption conference to take place in Copenhagen, Denmark, 22-24 October

Berlin, 26 September 2018 – The 18th International Anti-Corruption Conference will take place from 22-24 October in Copenhagen, Denmark under the theme Together for Development, Peace and Security: Now is the Time to Act.

The world’s largest independent forum for fighting corruption will bring together more than 1500 participants from all over the world and will be opened by the Prime Minister of Denmark, Lars Løkke Rasmussen. The three-day event is hosted by Ulla Tørnæs, Minister for...


Risks of Belt and Road in Africa, Tokyo climate change seminar

Commentary: Risks of Belt and Road in Africa

By Kat Usita in London

Apprehension over China’s Belt and Road initiative continues to build. Some observers have accused Beijing of unduly exerting influence on other countries in the guise of infrastructure assistance. It is increasingly apparent that the risks to recipient African economies in particular are substantial, but their governments are left with little choice.

It will take several years of use before one can properly measure the full...


Celebrating the UK’s Year of Engineering at INEC/iSCSS … and Exhibitions News

  • 18 countries represented by speakers and delegates
  • STEM Day being held for students from four schools at INEC/iSCSS
  • Young presentation authors also being lauded

In less than two weeks speakers and delegates from 18 countries will meet in Glasgow at INEC 2018 – the 14th International Naval Engineering Conference and Exhibition, incorporating the International Ship Control Systems Symposium (iSCSS).

Being held 2 – 4 October at the Technology & Innovation Centre at the University of Strathclyde,...


Proposals for new Brexit statecraft, Launch of Absa Africa Financial Markets Index

Commentary: Proposals for new Brexit statecraft

By Joergen Oerstroem Moeller in Singapore

After the failure of the EU Salzburg summit to agree Theresa May’s plan for withdrawal, the chances that Britain will leave without a deal have risen significantly. What is needed is a different statecraft mapping out how this outcome can be turned into a partnership that both parties can accept.

Britain must realise that it was not asked to leave; it decided to leave. Equally, Brussels must accept that it is...


OI 2019 Americas: The marine technology community wants to hear from you

Abstract submissions due by end of September

There is still time to submit your abstract for the Oi Americas technical conference programme. The deadline is Friday 28th September.

Topics include:

  • Unmanned Vehicles and Robotics
  • Navigation and Positioning
  • Observation and Sensing
  • Hydrography, Geophysics and Geotechnics
  • Aquaculture
  • Ocean ICT
  • Marine Pollution and Environmental Stressors

If you have any questions about the tracks or how you can get involved as a speaker, chair or contributor,...


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