Μήνυση της Maersk στην Evergreen – Ζητάει αποζημίωση 43 εκατ. δολ. για το κλείσιμο του Σουέζ το 2021

Στις δικαστικές αίθουσες θα λύσουν τις «διαφορές» τους δύο εκ των κορυφαίων ναυτιλιακών εταιρειών παγκοσμίως.

Ο λόγος για την AP Moller-Maersk A/S και την Evergreen Marine, πλοίο της οποίας «φράκαρε» το 2021 στη Διώρυγα του Σουέζ, μπλοκάροντας ένα από τα πλέον πολυσύχναστα εμπορικά περάσματα.

Η δανέζικη AP Moller-Maersk A/S προσέφυγε στο Ναυτικό και Εμπορικό Δικαστήριο της Κοπεγχάγης, ζητώντας αποζημίωση 43 εκατ. δολαρίων από την ταϊβανέζικη Evergreen Marine.

Στη μηνυτήρια αναφορά, σύμφωνα το...


More 2M transpac voyages ‘slide’ as vessels still queue at USWC ports

The 2M partners, Maersk and MSC, have cut two scheduled transpacific calls, but the two lines offer different reasons.
Maersk said today its TP6/MSC Pearl service would ‘slide’ by a week from its 1 February departure date ex-Asia, and the TP2/MSC Jaguar loop would also be delayed by a week from its advertised sailing of 14 February.
The Danish carrier said it was “in view of the accumulated schedule delays” in its …

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Port of Felixstowe welcomes world’s largest container vessel

One of the world’s largest container ships, Ever Ace which is operated by Evergreen Marine, has made its maiden call at Hutchison Ports Port of Felixstowe in the United Kingdom (UK).

The 24,000TEU capacity vessel which started its voyage from the Chinese port of Qingdao in July arrived at the UK’s largest container port on 13 September.

Commenting on the arrival, Chris Lewis, Chief Executive Officer at the Port of Felixstowe, said, “Our relationship with Evergreen dates back to 1979 when...


Free for all sees rates blow indexes out of the water

Freight indexes have become divorced from the reality of the market according to consultant Jon Monroe, who says that no index accurately represents the rate a shipper needs to pay to ship a container to the US.

Ship operator profits increased from the middle of 2020 and have continued to grow into this year, with Yang Ming and HMM the latest lines to declare first quarter profits, and in HMM’s case, they represent historically high returns.

“Today’s environment is a free for all and it seems...


Insurers unimpressed with SCA’s public statements

Insurers of the impounded Ever Given vessel remained unconvinced by the public statements made by the Suez Canal Authority (SCA), which is claiming US$916 million for losses following the grounding and blockage of the waterway for six days in March.

The SCA filed a lawsuit making the claim for damages soon after the vessel was freed and has since impounded the ship in the Great Bitter Lake area of the canal until a settlement is reached with the Japanese vessel owner, Shoei Kisen Kaisha Ltd and...


South Korea’s Gwangyang port seeks international connections

Gwangyang, South Korea’s second-busiest container port, has attracted seven new service routes in Q1 2021, raising hopes for a recovery in throughput.

Affected by Covid-19, Gwangyang’s container throughput dropped 9.4% in 2020, to 2.16 million TEU. Yeosu Gwangyang Port Authority (YGPA) said that through reaching out to liner operators, new routes were created despite the ongoing pandemic, as demand for container shipping rebounded.

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Box losses don’t stack up. Part One

Container stack collapses have seen a spike in recent months with vessels losing a combined total of around 5,762 containers from five major incidents between November last year and February this year. The industry is looking to unravel the puzzle as to why large container ships have started to shed boxes at such an alarming rate.

Those losses amount to more than the 1,382-annual average from World Shipping Council (WSC) surveys, and they have alarmed the shipping lines, shippers and regulators...


Evergreen seeks to free cargo as SCA impounds Ever Given

Taiwanese sources say that Evergreen, the charterer of the Japanese-owned Ever Given which ran aground in the Suez Canal on 23 March, is seeking to separate the cargo interests from the vessel owning interests, following the impounding of the ship by an Ismailia court.

If Evergreen’s move proves successful the cargo could be offloaded and delivered to consignees, according to the source.

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OCEAN Alliance launches Tianjin-Europe service

The OCEAN Alliance of COSCO Shipping Lines, Evergreen Marine Corporation and CMA CGM has launched a new service connecting the northern Chinese port of Tianjin with Europe, in another sign of Tianjin’s growing volumes.

In a ceremony in Tianjin port on 9 April, port officials stated that it is also the first ocean-going route launched from Tianjin, which is part of the Belt and Road, this year.

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