Ruta Productiva Exportadora logra US$ 9 millones en expectativa de negocios

La Ruta Productiva Exportadora (RPE) es una estrategia multisectorial que lidera el Mincetur, en colaboración con el Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario y Riego (Midagri) y el Ministerio de la Producción (Produce), que busca aumentar la competitividad e internacionalización de las mipymes exportadoras...

CMA CGM will be part again of ExpoAlimentaria

CMA CGM team at ExpoAlimentaria

CMA CGM will be part again of ExpoAlimentaria, the main international business platform for food, beverages, machinery, equipment, supplies, containers, packaging, services, restaurants and most important gastronomy in Latin America.

This 11th edition of the ExpoAlimentaria will take place from September 25th to 27th, 2019 at the Jockey Plaza Exhibition Center in Lima, Peru. As the international meeting point of export companies and selected buyers from the whole world, it will bring together...