Webinar: How weather monitoring can save you $1M in your freight business

Each day your drivers have one goal: to get home safely. But as everyday weather becomes more volatile than ever before, conditions like wind, rain and snow make it harder and harder.

The goal of your customers remains the same: to get their deliveries on time.

You are trying to strike the balance between weather safety and timeliness, but your current forecast monitoring applications fail to provide actionable information. 

That’s why arming your fleet with the right tools is so critical. Without...


Advanced technologies help industry navigate severe weather conditions

Tractor-trailer heading down a highway with lightning across a dark sky.

Companies have been laser focused on streamlining their supply chains and cutting out inefficiencies over the past few years. Advances in technology have allowed companies to gain new levels of visibility into their shipments, prevent equipment breakdowns before they occur and automate much of the routine paperwork inherent to doing business. However, no amount of technological advancement has  been able to control Mother Nature. 

There are more than 5.8 million vehicle crashes each year in the...
