COLUMN | The chickens come home to roost again: Swiber charges in Singapore; Texas judicial investigation; CWind sold; Guardian Geomatics sold; Newbuild! Newbuild! [Offshore Accounts]

This week we look at consequences: judicial consequences, legal consequences, the consequences of bad strategy and bad execution, and the inevitable consequences of high day rates. Ladies and gentlemen, there is a newbuilding anchor handler out there, being built as you read this. Adjust your forecasts accordingly. But first, we look at other consequences. Goh-Goh […]

The post COLUMN | The chickens come home to roost again: Swiber charges in Singapore; Texas judicial investigation; CWind sold;...

COLUMN | Singapore sting: Ezion, Ezra, Emas, Swiber and Nam Cheong [Offshore Accounts]

Last week we looked at the drilling market (here), this week we go back to boats. Finally, some of the biggest names in offshore in Singapore are being consigned to the d ..

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