Fake News Busted: COVID-19 Rumours and Stories Fact-checked!

  • There are many fake and misleading coronavirus stories on social media.
  • WhatsApp messages claiming the BCG vaccine prevents coronavirus infection are inaccurate.
  • WHO confirmed that there is no evidence that the BCG protects people from COVID-19 infection.
  • IRGC unveiled a dodgy hand-held device tat claimed to identify people infected with the coronavirus.
  • They were empty cases with an aerial that swings according to the user’s unconscious hand movements.
  • COVID-19 scientific analysis confirmed...


Zambia’s infrastructure habit, Super-fast politics podcast

Commentary: Zambia’s infrastructure habit

By Max Roch in London

Infrastructure development in Zambia is a powerful tool for swaying public opinion. However, despite its importance to economic growth, it is contentious. Past projects are associated with high costs, opaque tender processes and rising public debt. The tension between development and debt dominates, and the two issues often lead back to China and its funding of Zambian infrastructure projects. In a nation that emerged out of...


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