[FAQ] Fuel Usage Is A Hot Topic In Ship Emissions Compliance, Study Says

Credits: Zbynek Burival/Unsplash

Fuel consumption is a burning issue in the race for ship emissions compliance, says study, as published in the Hellenic Shipping News.

Operational and technical measures are the most viable route to emissions abatement and compliance for the existing fleet of tankers, bulkers and containerships as many of these are unsuitable for low-carbon fuel conversions that can also pose commercial and other risks, according to a study.

The fresh in-depth analysis, entitled...


[FAQ] How To Achieve An Error-free Navigation?

Credit: Venti Views/Unsplash

Over the past few years, the industry has managed a significant drop in reported shipping losses and errors with improvements in ship design, maritime technology, regulation and risk management systems, reports Safety4sea.

Dealing with the human factor, though, is unpredictable. Human error and marine accidents are strongly intertwined. From small fires to big explosions, seafarers play a key role. No matter how far maritime technology goes, people are always going to...


[FAQ] Do You Know What CatZoc Is?

Credit: Ruben Christen/Unsplash

Category Zone of Confidence (CATZOC) is the value used to highlight the accuracy of data presented on charts. Learn Marine’s Blog explains CATZOC in depth. Here’s an excerpt from that.

CATZOC in IHO S-4 standard

Before the ECDIS era, mariners used to assess paper chart accuracy via Source diagrams. 

However, this was changed with the wider introduction of ENCs in the industry and the consequent introduction of CATZOC, which is described in the IHO S-4 standard. 



[FAQ] G7 Agrees To Cap Oil Prices To Reduce Russia’s Revenues


A recent news article published in the EC Europa speaks about Questions and Answers: G7 agrees oil price cap to reduce Russia’s revenues, while keeping global energy markets stable.

Questions and Answers

What does the oil price cap achieve?

The price cap – which comes on top of the EU import ban on Russian seaborne crude oil and oil products, and the corresponding bans of other G7 partners – will further reduce the revenues Russia earns from oil. The oil price cap [60 USD per...


[FAQs] How To Reduce Bunker Speed of Your Ship?

Credit: Shaah Shahidh/Unsplash

Anyone working in shipping will attest that bunker/fuel is one of the major expenses for any shipping company.

Here’s an article published in Maritime Logistics Professional briefing on critical points for shipowners and charterers to become more profitable.

Here’s an excerpt from that.

Bunker Fuel Cost

The cost of bunker fuel is an easy place to start. Fuel accounts for a massive 60% – 80% of the cost of a voyage. 

Below are the ways an owner can reduce these costs:



[FAQs] How To Reduce Bunker Speed of Your Ship?

Credit: Shaah Shahidh/Unsplash

Anyone working in shipping will attest that bunker/fuel is one of the major expenses for any shipping company.

Here’s an article published in Maritime Logistics Professional briefing on critical points for shipowners and charterers to become more profitable.

Here’s an excerpt from that.

Bunker Fuel Cost

The cost of bunker fuel is an easy place to start. Fuel accounts for a massive 60% – 80% of the cost of a voyage. 

Below are the ways an owner can reduce these costs:



[FAQ] What is Tanktainer in Shipping?

Credit: via Marine Insight

A tanktainer is referred to as a tanktainer. What is a tanktainer, exactly? A tanktainer, also known as a tanktainer, is depicted as a solid, rectangular metal frame with a stainless steel container inside, as reported by Marine Insight.


The container that is held inside the frame is usually cylindrical or capsule-shaped and the frame holds it firmly in place to prevent rolling.

Typically, tank containers follow the dimensions of an ISO 20’ intermodal...


[FAQ] 8 Reasons To Use Smart Logistics

Everything and everyone in today’s highly connected world is connected to the internet.

Consumers are increasingly purchasing internationally as the number of smartphone users and internet subscribers rise. As a result, several e-commerce platforms have grown, and the Asia Pacific e-commerce sector is expected to reach US$360 billion in 2025 as reported by The Edge.

E-commerce experience

Despite the growth of e-commerce, research shows that 34% of Southeast Asian consumers are dissatisfied with...


[FAQs] Ways to Tackle Man Overboard Situation on Ship

Man overboard is a situation wherein a ship’s crew member falls into the sea from the ship, no matter where the ship is sailing, on open seas or in still waters in port.

A recent article published in MarineInsight briefs about the different ways to tackle Man Overboard Situations on Ship. Here’s an excerpt from that article.

A man overboard is an emergency situation, and it is essential to locate and recover the man overboard as soon as possible. Otherwise, due to bad weather or rough seas, the...


[FAQ] What are the Most Common Problems With Hatch Covers?

Japan P&I Club has addressed the key issues that should be well understood and observed in order to reduce exposure to ingress, and wetting damage claims, reports Safety4sea.

Hatch cover maintenance

Hatch cover maintenance and operation requires a thorough understanding of basic principles together with type specific issues and requirements. Experience and claims show hatch cover problems still remain one of the predominant causes for claims and accidents on board vessels.

According to the Japan...
