El fundador de Werner recibe una importante sanción de la FTC por no revelar la compra de acciones

(Nota del editor: aclarar la situación actual de CL Werner en la empresa. Ha dejado de ser presidente).

Clarence L. Werner, fundador y recientemente ex presidente y director de Werner Enterprises, el transportador de carga por camión que lleva su nombre, ha llegado a un acuerdo con la Comisión Federal de Comercio para pagar una fuerte multa por violaciones de las leyes federales de valores relacionadas con su adquisición de acciones de Werner durante varios años.

La multa impuesta a CL Werner,...


FTC launches probe into supply chain snarls

Stacks of toilet paper on shelves at large store.

The Federal Trade Commission on Monday ordered nine large retailers, wholesalers and consumer goods suppliers to provide detailed information that will help it investigate how supply chain disruptions are causing hardships for consumers and harming competition.

The agency is authorized under law to conduct wide-ranging studies that don’t have a specific law enforcement purpose. 

The orders were sent to Walmart (NYSE: WMT), Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN), Kroger (NYSE: KRG), C&S Wholesale Grocers,...


Scams endure even as COVID retreats

As most readers know all too well, scammers actively look to take advantage of any unfortunate situation in order to make a quick buck. This was especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic, when businesses found themselves needing to acquire personal protective equipment, otherwise known as PPE, for their employees only to be conned, losing their money to bad actors and still without the desperately needed supplies. Even at TCA, we regularly find ourselves the targets of phishing emails, and...
