FedEx Ground game got the job done in Q3

FedEx Corp.’s strong cost-reduction actions at its FedEx Ground U.S. delivery unit allowed the company to comfortably beat third-quarter estimates, raise full-year earnings per-share guidance and take the pressure off its lagging FedEx Express unit to quickly bring its costs under control.

FedEx (NYSE: FDX) reported adjusted earnings of $3.41 per share, which excluded 36 cents per share of restructuring costs. This is 70 cents above industry consensus, an achievement that surprised and pleased...

FedEx’s Q3 cost-cut programs put it further ahead than expected

FedEx Corp.’s fiscal third-quarter 2023 results late Thursday came in better than expected on the bottom line but not so great on the top or bottom, as expected, at its air and international unit, FedEx Express.

Total revenue of $22.1 billion was 6% below the same period a year ago, as the company continues to manage through a sudden and, in the case of FedEx Express, ferocious drop in volumes. 

FedEx Express reported an 8% drop in revenue, while FedEx Ground, the company’s U.S. ground-delivery...

Los programas de reducción de costos de FedEx en el tercer trimestre la sitúan por delante de lo esperado 

Los resultados del tercer trimestre fiscal 2023 de FedEx Corp. a última hora del jueves fueron mejores de lo esperado en la línea inferior, pero no tan grandes en la parte superior o inferior, como se esperaba, en su unidad aérea e internacional, FedEx Express. 

Los ingresos totales de 22.100 millones de dólares fueron un 6% inferiores a los del mismo periodo del año anterior, mientras la compañía sigue gestionando una repentina y, en el caso de FedEx Express, feroz caída de los volúmenes.  


FedEx to rely more on outside airlift to support in-house air services

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FedEx Corp. will use third-party aircraft capacity to handle less-urgent shipments that don’t need...

Comentarios: La promesa púrpura, dañada 

FedEx Corp. ha acuñado muchos eslóganes en sus más de 50 años de actividad. Pero el más duradero, y quizá el más significativo, es el que se conoce como la Promesa Púrpura.

Son sólo siete palabras: “Haré que cada experiencia FedEx sea excepcional”. Es más que un eslogan. Es un faro que ha guiado a empleados y directivos en la construcción de una empresa extraordinaria a través de la calidad del servicio, la dedicación y el compromiso. También define la cultura familiar que ha existido durante...

Commentary: The Purple Promise, damaged

FedEx Corp. has coined many slogans in its 50-plus years of business. But the most enduring, and perhaps most meaningful, is what is known as the Purple Promise.

Believed to have been created by Frederick W. Smith, FedEx’s founder, it is only seven words: “I will make every FedEx experience outstanding.” It is more than just a slogan. It is a beacon that has guided employees and management as they built a remarkable enterprise through service quality, dedication and commitment. It also defined...

En FedEx, la pesadilla de septiembre parece muy lejana 

Dos días no hacen una tendencia comercial. Pero por segunda sesión consecutiva, las acciones de FedEx Corp. están subiendo. 

Cerca del cierre de las operaciones del jueves, las acciones de FedEx (NYSE: FDX) subieron casi un 6,3%, o más de 12 dólares por acción. Esto se suma a una subida del 4,2% al cierre del miércoles.

El catalizador de las ganancias acumuladas de las acciones fue el anuncio del miércoles de que la empresa con sede en Memphis, Tennessee, despediría al menos al 10% de su...

At FedEx, nightmare of September seems very far away

googletag.cmd.push(function() { var gptSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/21776187881/FW-Responsive-Main_Content-Slot1’, [[728, 90], [468, 60], [300, 100], [320, 50]], ‘div-gpt-ad-b1-i-fw-ad-1’).defineSizeMapping(gptSizeMaps.banner1).setCollapseEmptyDiv(true).addService(googletag.pubads());

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-b1-i-fw-ad-1’); });

Two days do not make a trading trend. But for the second consecutive session, FedEx Corp. shares are...

FedEx to outsource more cargo flying in cost-cutting effort

FedEx will increasingly rely on outsourced air transport for growth as it pursues an aggressive cost-cutting strategy to resize its delivery network in line with deteriorating market conditions and a structural rebalance in e-commerce sales, executives said. 

An initial priority is to optimize the global air network where we expect to generate approximately $400 million in savings. This work includes deploying digital assets that allow us to efficiently balance our purple tile airplanes and...

New de-icing facility speeds up FedEx cargo flights at Memphis hub

Memphis International Airport, home to FedEx Express’ global air hub, on Tuesday inaugurated a large centralized de-icing facility that officials say will reduce the likelihood of delays for cargo and passenger aircraft during winter weather and environmental impact.

The 3.3 million-square-foot zone at the Tennessee airport has space to simultaneously de-ice 12 widebody aircraft, such as the Boeing 777. One pad can accommodate a Boeing 747-8 freighter or two narrowbody aircraft, according to the...