Lemon Shark: All you need to know!

The lemon shark, better known as Negaprion brevirostris in the scientific community, is only one of the over 1,000 species of shark you can find across the planet. Because to potentially declining population levels, the lemon shark is officially rated “Near Threatened.”

Characteristics and Appearance

At birth, lemon sharks measure about 20 to 30 inches long. Until they reach adulthood, the pups remain in their nursing grounds with their litters (which can have anywhere from four to seventeen...


Best Fish For A 5 Gallon Tank – 11+ Amazing Fishes

If you are planning to buy fish for your 5-gallon tank, then the following article is best suited for you. It includes all the types of fish that you pet, which ones to avoid and how many you can put. 

Aquariums with a capacity of five gallons are one of the most common tank sizes. It’s hardly surprising, given how compact they are and how readily they can fit into almost any area.

The smallest aquarium that can really house fish is a 5-gallon tank or cube. If you go any smaller, you’ll have...


U.S. Navy-Chartered Ordnance Barge Run Aground in Florida

U.S. Navy’s Military Sealift Command charter tug and barge got into trouble off Florida on Thursday while en route to the Navy’s Atlantic Underwater Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC). According to the Coast Guard, the barge is full of ordnance, fuel, and other supplies needed for Navy operations.

A mayday call was sent out by the crew of the tug Sea Eagle on Thursday at 20:45 local time, reporting that they were in trouble and beginning to take on water.

In Fort Lauderdale, about three miles...


Best Algae Eaters For A Balanced Aquarium in 2022

The term “algae” refers to a diverse group of organisms that can produce oxygen through photosynthesis (the process of harvesting light energy from the sun to generate carbohydrates). These creatures aren’t always connected to each other. Certain characteristics, however, link them together while separating them from the other main group of photosynthetic creatures, terrestrial plants.

Nothing is more aggravating than waking up to see your fish tank completely coated in a coating of green. Algae...


Betta Fish Care: Only Guide You’ll Ever Need

Betta splendens is the scientific name for the Betta Fish. Siamese Fighting Fish is another name for them. They are Asian in origin and were once maintained for their fighting abilities. They arrived in the United States for the first time in 1927. Bettas are now mostly kept for their looks. They’ve been selectively bred into a variety of colors and tail forms over the years. In the freshwater hobby, they are now known as designer fish.

Betta splendens is a species of Betta that may be found in...


The Horn Shark: All you need to know!

The horn shark is a tiny, common, bottom-dweller in the warm seas off western North America. A member of the Bullhead Shark genus, it (Heterodontidae). Its name originates from its small, blunt skull with prominent ridges above the eyes. It has huge spines on its two prominent dorsal fins, and many little black dots on brownish grey skin. Most adults measure around 1 m, while the greatest length of this species is 1.2 m (3.3 ft) (3.3 ft).

Horn sharks have a narrow home range, generally no bigger...


The Thresher Shark: All You Need To Know!

The Thresher Shark is also known as the Alopias Vulpinus or Fox Shark. Its name originates from the sharks abnormally big tail (caudal fin), which is in most cases, as long as the shark itself!

Today, there are three surviving species of this Shark:

  • Pelagic Thresher
  • Bigeye Thresher
  • Thresher of the Field

However, scientists are baffled as to whether or not a fourth species may exist. This is still a mystery to aficionados, but many feel that the discovery of a fourth species is just a matter of...


Best Educational Shark Toys for Kids in 2022

Summer vacations could be a time for children to have fun and play activities, but it may be difficult for parents to keep their children engaged.

Giving your child things that will keep them engaged while also challenging their intellect is a perfect answer to this small problem. Consider instructional shark toys for kids if you’re seeking for something different but nonetheless informative.

These toys will not only teach your child about sharks, but they will also keep them amused for hours...


How Much Are Koi Fish? Why are they so costly?

For their gorgeous pedigree and unusual coloration, koi fish are recognized to embellish garden ponds, restaurant interiors, and lounge areas. Even though Koi are generally referred to as Japanese Carp.

A remarkable record sale shook the world of koi a few years ago. A Kohaku koi that was in the pristine condition sold for $1.8 million! It was a 9-year-old specimen with brilliant red-orange splotches on a perfect white body. This gorgeous female fish drew the attention of Japanese artists, who...


Best Place To Buy Fish Online in 2022 [Latest]

Aquarium hobbyists may now buy fish and plants online, thanks to the internet and quick shipment. Many online retailers provide services such as guaranteed live delivery and even overnight shipment. It’s not always the situation, which is one of the reasons it’s critical to pick the right online business for your needs.

Different stores offer varying product quality, options, and delivery policies. All of these factors influence the store’s functionality, including whether any one of the items...
