How Often Should You Change Carbon Filter in Fish Tank?

Do you have a carbon filter in your fish tank? Changing your tank’s carbon filter on a regular basis could be on your mind if that’s the case. We will get into that subject, of course, but first, let’s explore what carbon in your tank truly is.

Understanding AC, or Activated Carbon

Activated carbon, sometimes referred to as AC or even activated charcoal, is a widely used method for maintaining a clean and healthy aquarium at home.

The activated carbon is placed in your filter, and as water went...

Do Bull Sharks Attack Humans?

Do Bull Sharks Attack Humans2

Bull sharks are one of the most misunderstood creatures in the ocean. They’re often painted as man-eating monsters. But they’re actually quite docile. Bull sharks are not inherently aggressive, but there have been cases where they do bite people. The truth about bull sharks and human attacks is quite complicated and fascinating:

What Are Bull Sharks And Where Do They Live?

Bull sharks are found all over the world, but they’re especially prevalent in coastal regions. They can be seen swimming up...

Do Sharks Eat Dolphins?

Do Sharks Eat Dolphins2

Sharks are often portrayed as mindless killers, but in reality, they have a pretty sophisticated strategy for hunting their prey. And dolphins seem to know this. 

A lot of people believe that sharks eat dolphins, but this isn’t true. Dolphins are actually more closely related to whales than they are to sharks. This means they share a common ancestor and have many similarities in their anatomy. 

There has been a lot of misinformation on the topic that simply isn’t true. We’ll also be discussing...

Do Sharks Have Taste Buds?

Do Sharks Have Taste Buds1

Being the mighty predator in their domain, sharks do appear to have small taste buds in their mouth. These allow sharks to detect certain tastes in the water, such as blood from wounded prey. 

The size of a shark’s taste bud is relative to its size. For instance, whale sharks usually have large ones. Shark’s sensitive noses also contain cells that can detect signals given off by other animals even when they’re far away underwater. This helps them track down food sources like fish hiding among...

Sharks Actually Think Humans Smell And Taste Bad

Sharks Actually Think Humans Smell And Taste Bad

The question of whether or not sharks like the taste of human flesh is an interesting one. It’s also a difficult one to answer since there have been so few recorded cases of shark attacks on humans. While there are no conclusive answers, it’s still fun to speculate.

Sharks Are Not Known To Be Man-Eaters:

Most sharks will not consider a person as suitable prey. They do not like the taste of humans. Because we are made mostly from water and have a very different biochemical composition than fishes.

This Is How Dolphins Terrify Sharks

This Is How Dolphins Scare Sharks1

The ocean can be a very dangerous place for even apex predators like sharks. Not all species live in harmony especially if they have to share the same hunting grounds for survival. One example of this is the interaction between sharks and dolphins. Dolphins like porpoising(jumping out of water) often. Which scares away sharks because it looks like they’re about to attack them.

Dolphins Are Too Tricky:

Dolphins use sonar in order to trick sharks into thinking that they’re something else. Which...

Do Sharks Eat Dead Bodies?

Do Sharks Eat Dead Bodies

Sharks are known to eat dead fishes in the sea, but there are a lot of misconceptions about the process. Here’s what you need to know:

The first thing people often think is that sharks will eat any kind of animal carcass they come across. This isn’t true. Marine scavengers like whale sharks only consume small animals or fish that have died naturally. Sharks can actually be selective in their diet and many species prefer fresh meat over anything else. 

They also typically go for prey with high-fat...

Do Crabs Eat Fish?

Do Crabs Eat Fish1

Crabs are scavengers and they will eat anything, including fish.  This means that if you see a crab crawling up on shore, it is most likely hunting for food. Crabs like to hunt at night when the water is calmer and there is less risk of predators. 

They also love to crawl along the bottom of the ocean floor (where they can find things like dead fish and snails). Crabs are strong swimmers because their back legs have long claws that move them through the water quickly. They have gills for...

Where Do Starfish Live?

Where Do Starfish Live3

Most people don’t know much about starfish, but there are some surprising facts that you may not know. For example, did you know that they can regenerate lost limbs? Or that the largest one is more than 50 inches in diameter? Read on to learn more about these fascinating creatures:

Starfish can be found in almost any aquatic environment, including salt water or freshwater. They are very diverse in appearance, typically spending most of their time on the sand or rocks at the bottom of the ocean....

10 Fastest Sharks In The World

Hammerhead Shark

Sharks are undeniably majestic. They have been around for more than 300 million years, and they come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. There are different types of sharks out there, but not all sharks evolved to be the same These 10 fastest sharks in the world might surprise you:

  1. Shortfin Mako Shark:

The shortfin mako shark is known for its speed, reaching up to 40 mph. They are found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The shortfin mako shark has been recorded at a maximum speed of...