Sea Lion Found in Mataje Does Not Want to Return to the Sea

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The operative was cataloged as ineffective for the return of a sea lion to the sea, an animal that appeared in an area of the Mataje River, on the border between Ecuador and Colombia.

We tried to send him to the sea but it returned to Mataje again,” said Jairo Canticus, president of the parochial GAD of Santander de Mataje.

The park rangers of the Manglares Cayapas Mataje Ecological Reserve are in charge of the...

Oil Ecocide in Mexico Kills Dozens of Species

The ecocide of Pemex in Veracruz killed dozens of species and more than 300 families were evacuated to shelter.

Pemex became the protagonist of the most recent ecocide in Mexico; an oil spill that caused the evacuation of 300 families living in the area surrounding the Tepeyac stream in Nachital, Veracruz.

In addition, the hydrocarbon reached the Coatzacoalcos River, which caused fatal effects for the fauna that inhabits the area; the death of dozens of turtles, fish and birds along seven...

They Discover Horrifying Blue Creatures With Tentacles on the Beach (PHOTO)

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For a long time, explorers who travelled on ships believed that in the depths of the ocean lived gigantic monsters and unknown creatures. Now, with the advance of technology, it is known that there are large squids and other huge fish. However, the recent discovery on a beach baffled the scientific community for a moment.

It turns out that some tourists were touring the beaches of New Jersey, United States, when, unexpectedly, they found...

A 28 Hour Operation With a Marathon Rescue, They Returned the Whale Stranded in Mar del Tuyú to the Sea

More than 30 people participated in the salvage of the 7-tonne whale. 

It was 28 hours of an intense operation, which finally had the expected closure. The 7-tonne whale that had been stranded this Saturday in Mar del Tuyú could finally be returned to the sea.

In the operational marathon, rescuers of Mundo Marino, Prefectura Naval, Municipality of the Partido de la Costa, Civil Defense, Lifeguards and volunteers participated.

“It took 28 hours of hard work in teams of more than 30 committed and...

A ‘Dominatrix’ Seal Whips a Man Using an Octopus Like a Whip

Jungle. It does not happen every day that a seal comes out of the water to give you a slap. Much less, give yourself a whip using an octopus as a whip.

There are people who deserve a scourge, and there are some who deserve it so much that they know it even the seals. Or at least that’s what he thought that he decided to slap a canoeist using an octopus as a whip.

The event took place on  Kaikoura, an island south of New Zealand. Kyle Mulinder was with the rest of the team of creators of the...

Turtle Attacked by Predators has Recovered and has Returned to the Sea

The Brevard Zoo dismissed the giant 90 kg turtle. of weight in Cocoa Beach, after being rehabilitated from its previous painful condition. This Monday, September 24, with the help of an Ocean Rescue UTV from Brevard County, she was taken to the beach and released into the sea.

The turtle stole the heart of its keepers, from the moment it was found on February 24 of this year with old predator attack wounds. She lacks most of her right front fin, and at that time had severe lacerations on her...

As It Does In People, Ecstasy Makes Octopuses More Sociable

By studying the genome of an octopus species not known for its sympathy towards its peers, and then testing its behavioral reaction to a popular drug that alters the state of mind called MDMA or “ecstasy,” scientists say they have found preliminary evidence of an evolutionary link between social behaviours of the marine creature and humans, species separated by 500 million years in the evolutionary tree.

If the findings of these experiments are validated – which are detailed in an article...

Devastating Images of Animals Affected by Marine Pollution

The pollution of seas, rivers and lakes has disastrous consequences for the marine life of the Mexican fauna. Plastics and other industrial products are the main pollutants.

Plastic invades the sea

Three out of four fish in the Atlantic Ocean – which includes the Gulf of Mexico – have plastic particles in their bodies, according to a study by the National University of Ireland reported by Cultura Colectiva.

Whales, albatrosses, mussels, lobsters, tuna and even plankton are among the 180 marine...