Act Now For Safe Fishing, IMO Secretary-General Urges States

fishing vessel

IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim urges States to take action to achieve entry into force of Cape Town fishing vessel safety agreement. States are being urged to take action to bring into force the Cape Town Agreement of 2012, a key international treaty which will establish an international regime for fishing vessel safety.

This will help make fishing safe, sustainable and legal – and make a significant contribution to the protection of fishers, an unacceptable high number of whom lose their...

Kenya ratifies fishing vessel safety treaties

Kenya has shown its support for the safety of fishing vessels and their crews by depositing its instrument of ratification to the 2012 Cape Town Agreement and the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel Personnel (STCW-F) on 17 March, 2022. 

The 2012 Cape Town Agreement (CTA) will bring in mandatory safety requirements for fishing vessels when it enters into force. The STCW-F, which is already in force, sets out mandatory standards...

ACI Boats wins order to build 4 fishing vessels for American Samoa

Port Townsend, Wash., based ACI Boats reports that it has been awarded a $3 million dollar contract by American Samoa’s Departmentnt of Commerce for four “Super Alia” commercial fishing vessels.

All four boats will be 38 foot x 14 foot semi-displacement catamarans, designed by ACI Boats and Nordland, Wash., based Coastwise Marine Design.

Constructed with 5086 aluminum hull skins, and 5052 aluminum interior transverse frames, each fishing vessel is identical in design and will be built to...