How Voltera is reducing risks to fleet electrification

The popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) has grown so much in recent years that, for the first time, a fully electric automobile was the world’s top-selling car during the first quarter of 2023, just 15 years after the same manufacturer released its first electric vehicle. When it comes to the electrification of commercial fleets, however, real-world examples are just starting to emerge as the path toward implementation becomes clearer.

One of the biggest roadblocks that the industry is...

Whatever became of those splashy electrification startups?

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As third-quarter earnings roll in, it is a good time to check the state of electrification startups....

White Paper: Planning Your Fleet’s Electric Future

Fleet electrification is driving the future of transportation. As more companies switch to electric every day, it’s clear that this trend is not slowing down.

We tapped into our 15+ years of e-mobility experience to bring you our most extensive fleet report yet — a hands-on guide to help you with your fleet electrification plans.

Download our free report now and gain valuable insights on:

  • The current state of fleet electrification worldwide and in your region
  • Key considerations when selecting...