White Paper: What are your fleet’s biggest challenges?

In recent years, fleets and drivers have been challenged with increasingly difficult obstacles, including but not limited to: driver shortages; out-of-control verdicts; rising crash rates; and unpredictable fuel prices.

Fill out the form below to learn more about how this comprehensive, and insightful guide can prepare you to handle today’s trucking challenges.

The SmartDrive® video-based safety program and transportation intelligence platform transform fleet performance. Combining video safety,...


8 questions on FMCSA’s UCR fees and how to comply

White trucks parked in a row

It’s not often the trucking industry catches a break, but for the 2023 regulatory year, that will happen. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has dropped Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) Plan and Agreement fees for the 2023 year.

FMCSA collects UCR fees from motor carriers and other businesses for highway motor carrier registration and safety programs. The decrease is approximately 31% across all vehicle fleet sizes. The last time the fee decreased was for 2021 when it dropped...


Can MVR monitoring be a fleet risk management tool?

truck driver standing next to cab

The old saying in trucking is that the easiest way to avoid violations is to be proactive about compliance. For some, that is easier said than done. Many commercial carrier operations believe complying with regulations is enough. This is especially true when it comes to drivers.

According to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulation title 49 §391.25, motor carriers (or their designees) must pull a motor vehicle record (MVR) of anyone operating a commercial motor vehicle in...


Choose a dashcam that targets your pain points

With so many dashcams on the market, how do you know which is best for your fleet? 

According to Ryan Knight, senior director of enterprise sales at Netradyne, you first need to know what your pain points are. What are you trying to mitigate?

For starters, you’ll want to evaluate any and all speeding violations, accidents and incidents, and subsequent claim damage, Knight said on FreightWaves’ WHAT THE TRUCK?!?. Bringing your risk factors into the spotlight is the first step in establishing...


Fleet safety can be as easy as rocket science

Fleet safety isn’t rocket science. But for the sake of the argument, let’s pretend it is.

Think of your company as a rocket and your drivers as the astronauts. When the countdown to launch begins, their training and trust in the engines will determine the success of the mission.

Your engineering better be top-notch because one error can lead to catastrophic failure. 

Here, the engines are your safety program. Reliance Partners Director of Safety Robert Kaferle uses the rocket analogy to describe...


Driveri dashcam helps bring out the best in drivers

Today’s risk-averse and litigious transportation industry leaves fleets with no room for error when accidents occur.

Most drivers are aware of this and accept the measures fleets take to ensure they’re compliant. However, the last thing drivers want, especially those who have never been in an accident, is to feel like they’re being watched nonstop, knowing every turn of the wheel is subject to criticism.

While most drivers associate dashcams with judgment and rebuke, this isn’t the case with Drive...


Netradyne spotlights drivers’ positive attributes

Drivers have long dreaded performance reviews — and who can blame them? Receiving nothing but criticism and notes about areas for improvement is not only stressful but also frustrating, especially when your good driving isn’t acknowledged.

Adam Kahn, chief business development officer of Netradyne, believes that a driver’s full performance, including both strengths and struggles, should be recognized equally. He appeared on FreightWaves’ WHAT THE TRUCK?!? to discuss how fleets can train their...


SMS scores: What are they and how are they calculated?

What’s an SMS score and how am I rated? Is a higher score more desirable?

Reliance Partners Director of Safety Robert Kaferle answers these questions and more as he dives into carrier performance metrics on this episode of WHAT THE TRUCK?!? 

If you’re unsure what an SMS score is, then this is a good place to start.

SMS, or Safety Measurement System, is a workload prioritization tool that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration uses to identify carriers with potential safety problems for...


Netradyne’s Driver•i more than just an in-cab camera

With drivers on the road for weeks at a time, fleet managers know just how difficult it can be to monitor their performance. But as nuclear verdicts continue to rise, plaintiffs’ attorneys argue that motor carriers could always do better.

If only the fleet manager could be in the cab at all times. Adam Kahn, president of Netradyne, appeared on FreightWaves’ WHAT THE TRUCK?!? to discuss the benefits of Driver•i and how it’s so much more than a traditional in-cab dashcam.

Positioned on the...


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