VESSEL REVIEW | Spirit – Versatile pilot boat for South Australia port operator

Spirit, a new pilot boat delivered to Australia's Flinders Ports by Hart Marine

South Australian port operator Flinders Ports has expanded its fleet of harbour services vessels with the recent acquisition of a newbuild pilot boat constructed by Hart Marine in the neighbouring state of Victoria. Spirit is the first in a series of three pilot boats ordered by Flinders Ports from...

South Australia port operator places order for new pilot boats

South Australian port operator Flinders Ports (FP) has entered into an agreement to purchase three new pilot vessels over the next three years from Melbourne-based boatbuilder Hart Marine. The boats will feature improved technology to reduce fuel usage and to become future-ready for alternative...

Planning for the future

Pictured: an Adelaide street scene; Kim Jin Cheol via Unsplash

Randall Bonner, General Manager Group Assets, Flinders Port Holdings, writes:

COVID induced disruption to cargo shipping was minimal, while there have been virtually no shutdowns of major ports. In South Australia, where we own and operate the Flinders Adelaide Container Terminal (FACT) and six regional ports, all of our operations have continued throughout the pandemic, which is testimony to our 700 staff and the pandemic response...

Adelaide expansion project gets the green light

The receipt of a dredging licence from the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) will allow work to commence on widening the Outer Harbor shipping channel and swing basin at Port Adelaide to underpin the port’s $14 billion a year contribution to the State’s economy.

The Chief Executive Officer of Flinders Ports, Mr Stewart Lammin said the company was committed to minimising the environmental impact of the channel widening program and maximising the ongoing health of South Australia’s marine...