Applications are open for the Young Ship Agent / Shipbroker of the Year 2024 Competition!

Are you a young ship agent or ship broker, or do you know a young ship agent or ship broker? Do you want to win a prestigious, internationally-acclaimed, award? Do […]

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Ship agents adapting with change

By Jonathan Williams, Secretary, Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents

So, another year has passed, and it is again time to reflect on recent developments, take stock of where FONASBA is now, and look at the issues that we are addressing.

Obviously, COVID continues to dominate our actions and we remain closely engaged with colleague associations and organisations in working to convince national governments that seafarers are essential workers and to grant them leave to...

FONASBA Issues Sustainable Development Declaration – a call to action for ship agents and ship brokers

FONASBA Issues Sustainable Development Declaration – a call to action for ship agents and ship brokers

The Baltic Exchange were the offices of FONASBA

With the environmental and sustainability proϐile of shipping under scrutiny as never before, all the component sectors must play their part in achievingreal reductions in emissions and enhancements in sustainability – and ship agents and ship brokers are no different.

Compared to the shipping and port sectors, for example, the overall emissions...

FONASBA Announces Winner of the 2021 Young Ship Agent or Broker Award

FONASBA Announces Winner of the 2021 Young Ship Agent or Broker Award

Ana Ruiz Garcı́a de los Rios

FONASBA is very pleased to announce that the winner of its Young Ship Agent or Broker Award for 2021 is Ana Ruiz Garcı́a de los Rios, of Bergé Logistics, who is based in Madrid. (pictured above). Her paper was entitled “The Impact of Technologies in the Maritime Sector from the Ship Agent’s Vision”. Ana is both the first female winner of the Award and the first from Spain. Previous winners were...

Crisis looms for trapped crews warns IMO

The Maritime sector is on the verge of a humanitarian crisis the International Maritime Organization (IMO) secretary general told permanent representatives of the United Nations body, which met virtually this week.

Kitack Lim was speaking on the day that the Hong Kong authorities finally relented to pressure from the Hong Kong Ship Owners’ Association (HKSOA) who had been pressuring the government to establish rules that will allow crew changes to be made.

According to figures from a number of...

FONASBA celebrates 50th Anniversary

The Baltic Exchange

FONASBA celebrates 50th Anniversary

Fifty years ago today, on 23rd April 1969, delegates representing Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and (as it was then) West Germany, met at the offices of Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers in the Baltic Exchange in the heart of the City of London, to form the Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents. Fast forward half a century and whilst in some respects...

FONASBA elects first Arab and North African President

Aziz Mantrach, FONASBA President for 2018 to 2021

As it approaches its 50th year, FONASBA has demonstrated increasing global reach by appointing the first President from an Arabic and North African country. Aziz Mantrach, Partner and General Managing Director of Transports Marocaines S.A. of Casablanca, President of the Moroccan association APRAM and previously the Federation’s Regional Vice President for Africa and the Middle East, was elected as FONASBA’s 28th President during the 2018 Council...