New IT solutions the best hope to rebuild ‘smashed’ UK supply chains

IT solutions offer the best return to “normality” for forwarders, after Brexit “smashed apart” once-streamlined UK supply chains.
MD of Forward Computers (FCL) Richard Litchfield said the past decade had led to a “major improvement” in the organisation of road freight across Europe, but after the Brexit vote, worries had begun to set in over the resilience of systems.
“It used to be every road shipment was its own, individual project, but …

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Logistics IT specialist Richard Litchfield appointed new MD of Forward Computers

Specialist technology provider Freight Software Group (FSG) has appointed Richard Litchfield (pictured above) as the new managing director of its Forward Computers subsidiary. 
Forward Computers supplies freight forwarding software to the logistics sector and was acquired by Freight Software Group in 2019. FSG is also the parent company of BoxTop Technologies.   
“The freight and logistics sector is experiencing significant changes, the customer is ever more demanding, with higher expectations...