Check Call: Broker transparency rule gets second comment period


In a rare move for any rule in the rulemaking process, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has reopened the comment period on its proposed broker transparency rule.

When it comes to the rulemaking process, comment periods are typically 30-60 days and are rarely reopened – generally only if there was a technical error with the initial proposed documents that prevented comments from being submitted correctly or if there is new information or a public outcry regarding the...

Los federales analizan otro vistazo a las reglas del contrato de Broker de camiones

WASHINGTON-La administración Trump ha dado una renovada esperanza a los propietarios y operadores de los camiones que el gobierno les facilitará revisar los registros de transacciones de los corredores para combatir los supuestos rabos de precios y ayudar a garantizar que obtengan un precio justo por transportar la carga. La Administración Federal de Seguridad de […]

Esta entrada Los federales analizan otro vistazo a las reglas del contrato de Broker de camiones Aparece primero en FullAvanteNews.

Feds taking another look at truck-broker contract rules

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has given renewed hope to truck owner-operators that the government will make it easier for them to review broker transaction records to combat alleged price gouging and help ensure they get a fair price for hauling freight.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is reopening the comment period for its “Transparency in Property Broker Transactions” notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) at the request of the Small Business in Transportation Coalition....

Verifique la llamada: 2024 Ganancias trimestrales Se pierda la marca en Wall Street

(GIF: GIPHY) A medida que finalizó el cuarto trimestre de 2024, los corredores de carga de todas partes quedaron con un dolor de cabeza colectivo. Con los informes de ganancias de corredores de bolsa que se negocian públicamente ahora, los números contaban una historia que la mayoría de la...

Check Call: 2024 quarterly earnings miss the mark on Wall Street


As the fourth quarter of 2024 wrapped up, freight brokers everywhere were left with a collective headache. With the earnings reports of publicly traded brokerages now out in the open, the numbers told a story that most in the industry had already lived through – and it wasn’t pretty. In fact, it was the kind of quarter that had many brokers double-checking their calendars as Q4 historically has been a gangbuster quarter.

C.H. Robinson managed to put up better numbers year over...

Freight Hero exits stealth mode with backing from Dynamo and AI Fund

Automation startup Freight Hero launched Monday with backing from both logistics and technology experts looking to address long-standing challenges of traditional brokerage models.

Dynamo Ventures, co-founded by freight brokerage expert Ted Alling and other industry leaders, has partnered with artificial intelligence thought leader Andrew Ng’s AI Fund to work toward correctly balancing the human and technology interactions that power transportation providers.

“We believe Freight Hero’s model is...

Check Call: 3PLs’ role in preparing for tariffs


A tumultuous weekend, with 25% tariffs promised to go into effect Tuesday with top U.S. trading partners Mexico, Canada and China, has only slightly calmed down after Mexico and Canada were able to put a pause on tariffs for the next month.

Both countries have promised to increase their respective National Guard presence at the border to stop the flow of fentanyl into the U.S. The fentanyl crisis is what President Donald Trump cited as a national emergency that allowed him to impose...

Verifique la llamada: las cadenas de suministro globales se apresuran y esperan posibles tarifas

(GIF: GIPHY) Ha pasado poco más de una semana bajo una nueva administración presidencial, y con ella viene cambiando las reglas, regulaciones y casi todo lo demás a velocidad vertiginosa. Centrarse en los impactos de la cadena de suministro demuestra ser un ejercicio de espera y ver. A lo largo de...

Check Call: Global supply chains hurry up and wait on possible tariffs

(Gif: GIPHY)

It’s been a little over a week under a new presidential administration, and with it come changing rules, regulations and just about everything else at breakneck speed. Focusing on supply chain impacts proves to be a bit of a wait-and-see exercise.

Along the campaign trail, there were promises of imposing tariffs on Mexico, Canada and China. Most of those promises have yet to come to fruition. That’s left a majority of those in the global supply chain wondering what is in store for...

Check Call: The ‘No Rules Rules’ review 


To pick this month’s book was chosen through a very specialized process in which I Googled top management books and chose something that seemed fun. This month’s choice is “No Rules Rules” by Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer.

The book is basically about how Netflix created its renowned culture of freedom and responsibility – essentially empowering workers to act in the best interest of the company without the need for a lot of oversight but with heavy feedback loops and top talent. The...