SFOO Summit: 30 years of carrier improvement and development with Truckstop

This fireside chat recap is from FreightWaves’ Small Fleet & Owner-Operator Summit on Wednesday.

FIRESIDE CHAT TOPIC: Fuller Speed Ahead: From “Internet Truckstop” to Industry Leader: Kendra Tucker On 30 Years of Truckstop

DETAILS: Freightwaves founder and CEO Craig Fuller speaks with Truckstop CEO Kendra Tucker about the company’s 30th anniversary and its unique perspective on the evolution of the freight technology industry.


“We want to understand how our carrier feels...


Is a freight market turn coming in May?

Rejection rates react to tariffs 

Tender rejection rates have remained above levels of the past two years and have also been more sensitive to events, suggesting the freight market is closer to a period of widespread tightness. The bounce in tender rejection rates in March was largely driven by flatbed in response to tariffs. (Chart: SONAR)

Clearly, we are in a period of unusually high economic and freight demand uncertainty, and the stock market pullback the past two weeks could put a damper on...


The trucking market is still headed in the right direction

The U.S. truckload market ratcheted tighter into the beginning of this week, with closing spreads between contract and spot rates and multiple major trucking markets rejecting more than 7% of outbound shipments. However, there’s still no clear ‘melt-up’ or cascade toward meaningfully higher rates compared to conditions during the holiday retail peak season.

(The Outbound Tender Reject Index measures the percentage of electronically tendered truckload shipments rejected by carriers and serves as...


El mercado del transporte por carretera todavía va en la dirección correcta

El mercado de la carga de camiones de EE. UU. Contrató más estricto a principios de esta semana, con diferenciales de cierre entre las tasas de contrato y las spot y múltiples mercados de camiones múltiples que rechazan más del 7% de los envíos salientes. Sin embargo, todavía no hay un claro...


Intermodal volume still outperforming

Intermodal’s long peak continues, as volumes are still outpacing January 2024.

The rail intermodal market rocketed forward in the third week of January, recording remarkable year-over-year volume growth of 27% which was helped by easier year-over-year comparisons during a typical period of seasonal softness. That softness hasn’t manifested this year, as intermodal volume growth continues to be driven by high Chinese exports, a robust U.S. consumer and shippers building up inventory in...


Check Call: Small and medium-size businesses have strong feelings about 2025


Another year and another season of trying to keep a supply chain resilient and ready – and trying to figure out what the year will look like. Most recently DHL Express released a survey of what hundreds of small and medium-size enterprises are planning for a 2025 that promises to be unpredictable.

Overall everyone seems pretty optimistic as to the overall performance of 2025 versus 2024. Sixty-seven percent are anticipating better performance in 2025, despite the uncertainty of...


Multi-modal solutions will be critical in 2025 freight environment 

The transportation and logistics industry is in a constant state of flux as the market shifts and the Great Freight Recession comes to an end. Shippers should expect a more expensive pricing environment over the next several months. 

Despite these changing conditions, companies can remain competitive by embracing flexibility, efficiency and innovation. When the cost of doing business increases, making moves toward more efficient operating structures becomes more important than ever. 

No two...


Why the intermodal market is in a ‘long peak’ right now

Intermodal volumes aren’t slowing down. By mid-December, we’re well past the time when goods bound by train would arrive in retail stores in time for Christmas shoppers, yet railroads are still carrying near-record numbers of boxes. Tariff pull-forward, consumer demand and inventory building are all driving higher intermodal volumes, setting the market up for rate increases next year.

Call it a “long peak.”

Total intermodal traffic in North America saw a significant boost last month, increasing...


Check Call: The end of a bad freight market era


It’s the end of an era – the freight recession era. The rumblings have begun that this could be the beginning of better times. Not that we’re looking to repeat the market insanity of 2020, but dare I say a return to normalcy might be in our future for early 2025?

The rationale behind the view that the freight recession has ended? Well, that would be the increasing tender rejection rates. According to FreightWaves CEO Craig Fuller, “Following a decisive election, I believe the...


The end of the freight recession and impacts for 2025

On this episode on WHAT THE TRUCK?!?, Dooner sits down with Thom Albrecht, Chief Revenue Officer at Reliance Partners, to break down the possible end of the freight recession and what the trucking market will look like in 2025. 

On a previous episode, Albrecht predicted a March 2025 end of the freight recession and a turning point in the market. Gone would be the days of carriers barely running at a profit and just trying to get by.

In a follow-up interview with Dooner after some new data came...
