Stable freight volumes for Ports of Stockholm

Ports of Stockholm summarizes 2018 as a record revenue year, with stable freight volumes and a record number of cruise passengers.

The figures summary for 2018 shows a new revenue record of SEK 866 million, SEK 10 million more than the record set in 2017. The total freight volume at Ports of Stockholm is high and stable, and the cruise passenger numbers also reached record figures. The number of ferry passengers also increased to more than 11 million.

“2018 was our best year, both financially and...

Container traffic rises in Gothenburg

Freight volumes passing through the Port of Gothenburg during the year to date are as follows. Container traffic is up 20% compared with the preceding year, and energy product flows remain consistently strong. New car figures rose by 4% but now appear to be levelling off, albeit at a high level.

Growth in container volumes 
During the first nine months of the year, container traffic increased by 20% and rail traffic by 7%.

More energy products 
Energy products totalled 17.7 million tonnes, up 2%...