ONE and Freightliner embrace HVO fuel for UK rail cargo

Following a successful 6-month trial period, Ocean Network Express (ONE) UK, in collaboration with Freightliner, one of the UK’s largest maritime intermodal logistics operator, is extending their adoption of HVO100 fuel for all cargo transportation via rail.

HVO, a 100% renewable fuel, is derived from sources such as vegetable oils and waste-based fats and oils from the food industry.

By transitioning to HVO, emissions of CO2 can be reduced by up to 90%, presenting a significant improvement over...

New Class 8 truck deliveries fall for 4 consecutive months  

The strength in new Class 8 orders belies a four-month slide in deliveries while used truck prices continue to fall, albeit more slowly as 2023 comes to a close.

Through the first 11 months of the year, the industry has delivered 242,881 new Class 8 trucks, 7.8% more than the same period in 2022, according to Ward’s Intelligence. But the year-over-year lead has shrunk each month since February when sales were 35% ahead compared with 2022.

This contrasts with ACT Research, which reported net...

Electrolyzers only scratch the surface of midcentury hydrogen demand

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Even as manufacturing of electrolyzers grows, the hydrogen-making devices barely address the...

Daimler Truck recalls 54,375 trucks for possible windshield wiper defect

A year ago, Daimler Truck North America (DTNA) recalled 689 Western Star trucks for faulty windshield wipers. That issue now has swelled to a recall of 54,375 units affecting six products covering two and three model years depending on the product.

Unlike the first recall, where 100% of the units were projected to have the problem, just 1% of 54,375 trucks in the new recall are projected to experience the defect.

The windshield wiper linkages may break, causing the windshield wipers to fail. On...

Exports of Mexican-built cargo trucks hit 13,231 in February

googletag.cmd.push(function() { var gptSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/21776187881/FW-Responsive-Main_Content-Slot1’, [[728, 90], [468, 60], [300, 100], [320, 50]], ‘div-gpt-ad-b1-i-fw-ad-1’).defineSizeMapping(gptSizeMaps.banner1).setCollapseEmptyDiv(true).addService(googletag.pubads());

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-b1-i-fw-ad-1’); });

Mexico’s truck production and exports saw notable increases in February, helped by continued demand...

Daimler Truck recalling 64,064 units for possible steering loss

Daimler Truck North America is recalling 19 truck models over three production years for a condition that could lead to the complete loss of steering control and an increased crash risk.

The issue — a loose drag link taper joint — led to the recall of 123,481 vehicles in the U.S. and Canada in September 2021. The issue has not surfaced in the current recall population. But Daimler agreed to the recall “out of an abundance of caution” because of an “unartfully worded” service bulletin.

In both...

Brake module corrosion continues to vex Daimler Truck

Daimler Truck North America is conducting a third safety recall – about 77,000 vehicles across seven model years in the U.S. and Canada – for brake module corrosion that could cause pulling to one side of the road, which could raise the possibility of a crash.

None of the three recalls involving more than 475,000 units has a crash associated. A miniscule number of vehicles have exhibited the condition among the number built between June 2016 and March 2022

Miniscule number of trucks in recall...

ONE purchases green fuel for Freightliner’s UK rail service

Ocean Network Express (ONE) has purchased GD+ fuel to cover 100% of the fuel volume required for the new intra-UK service of Freightliner from Southampton to Crewe.

The first service started its journey on 17 January 2023 and after Crewe, the train was going to continue its rotation to Freightliner Coatbridge terminal in Scotland, using an electric locomotive, making this one of the greenest rail freight routes in UK Rail.

GD+ is a type of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) and can be used as a...

Missteps and milestones mark 2022 in autonomous trucking

Docudrama script writers must be giddy at the “Succession”-esque tale unfolding at TuSimple Holdings. Just a year ago it leapfrogged the competition by demonstrating an 80-mile driverless truck pilot on a U.S. public highway. 

TuSimple repeated the technological feat, several times early in 2022. But then it gave way to repeated capriciousness that erased 95% of the company’s stock value. Could TuSimple be ripe for a takeover or sale to private equity? Consider:

Truck Tech: Daum straight edition

Martin Daum rarely equivocates. The CEO of Daimler Truck sets courses the trucking industry often follows. If you ask him a question, expect a straight answer. We did. And so did he.

When Martin Daum talks …

Martin Daum is one of those people for whom a paraphrase of the famous line from the 1970s TV commercials by investment bank EF Hutton applies. When the CEO of Daimler Truck talks, the global trucking industry listens.

Martin Daum is the influential voice and CEO of Daimler Truck. (Photo: Alan...

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