Trump tariff fears plague ocean container rates

Trans-Pacific ocean container rates have eased post-Lunar New Year, despite volumes estimated to be significantly stronger than a year ago. 

The latest Freightos Baltic Index pegs rates to the West Coast of around $2,200 per forty-foot equivalent unit and to the East Coast of approximately $3,300 per FEU, more than 20% below 2024 lows.

This trend is likely due to increased competition and less effective capacity management from new carrier alliance rollouts, as well as continued fleet growth,...

As tariff window closes, trans-Pacific ocean container rates tumble

The seasonal lull and end to frontloading by importers is driving down container rates on trans-Pacific transits to the United States.

Shippers for months have pulled forward imports in a bid to stay ahead of tariffs promised by the Trump administration. Those levies are now up to 25%, with the threat of 60% tariffs and other reciprocal charges that could land as soon as April.

Asia-U.S. West Coast rates fell by 18% to $3,558 per forty-foot equivalent unit, according to the Freightos Baltic Index...

Freightos: Ocean container rates falling but still above year-ago levels

Ocean container rates on trans-Pacific services to the United States are trending lower but remain elevated from year-ago prices.

Analyst Freightos (NASDAQ: CRGO) said Asia-U.S. West Coast rates fell 8% to $4,362 per forty-foot equivalent unit in its Baltic Index for the week ending Feb. 21 from the previous week.

Asia-U.S. East Coast prices were off 11% to $5,698 per FEU.

“The post-Lunar New Years lull has seen rates fall 30% since January which includes reductions in some peak season surcharges...

In slow season, tariffs a following wind for trans-Pacific container rates

Importers may have won a reprieve — however temporary — from tariffs on the United States’ largest trading partners, but the threat of new levies is still helping keep container rates elevated on trans-Pacific ocean lanes.

Rates for Asia-U.S. West Coast containers fell 3% to $4,763 per forty-foot equivalent unit in the latest Freightos Baltic Index for the week ending Feb. 14.

Asia-U.S. East Coast rates declined 4% to $6,398 per FEU.

The Trump administration this past week pulled back on...

En la temporada lenta, las tarifas son un viento siguiente para las tasas de contenedores trans-pacíficos


Los importadores pueden haber ganado un aplazamiento, aunque temporal, de los aranceles en los socios comerciales más grandes de los Estados Unidos, pero la amenaza de nuevos gravámenes aún está ayudando a mantener las tasas de contenedores elevadas en los carriles oceánicos trans-pacíficos. Las tarifas para los contenedores de la costa oeste de Asia-EE. UU. […]

Esta entrada En la temporada lenta, las tarifas son un viento siguiente para las tasas de contenedores trans-pacíficos Aparece primero...

Analista: Los temores arancelarios de los cargadores podrían mantener las tasas de contenedores trans-pacíficos durante febrero ‘inmersión’


Los carriles de contenedores trans-pacíficos podrían patinar más allá de una calma del Año Nuevo Post-Lunar al tráfico similar a la temporada alta si una guerra comercial aborradora con China continúa llevando a los cargadores estadounidenses a las importaciones de carga frontal. Las tarifas de contenedores de la costa oeste de Asia-EE. UU. Cayeron un […]

Esta entrada Analista: Los temores arancelarios de los cargadores podrían mantener las tasas de contenedores trans-pacíficos durante febrero...

Analyst: Shippers’ tariff fears could wipe out trans-Pacific container lull

Trans-Pacific container lanes could skate right past a post-Lunar New Year lull to peak-season-like traffic if an aborning trade war with China continues to lead U.S.-based shippers to frontload imports.

Asia-U.S. West Coast container rates fell 3% to $4,904 per forty-foot equivalent unit for the week ending Feb. 7, according to the latest Baltic Index from shipping analyst Freightos.

Prices for Asia-U.S. East Coast services were off 1% to $6,656 per FEU from the previous week.


Tariffs could push trans-Pacific container rates to 2024 highs: Freightos

While the Trump administration continues to dance a tariff two-step with its leading trade partners — tariffs on, tariffs off — the supply chain can likely expect continued frontloading by nervous shippers to keep ocean container rates elevated.

Asia-U.S. West Coast spot rates increased 3% to $5,078 per forty-foot equivalent unit in the week ending Jan. 31, according to the latest Freightos Baltic Index.

Asia-U.S. East Coast prices were up 1% to $6,718 per FEU.

The United States withdrew 25%...

Asia-US container rates decline in slack season

While the traditional slack shipping run-up to Lunar New Year has weakened container freight rates for services from Asia to both U.S. coasts, a slew of factors is weighing on longer-term prices.

Asia-U.S. West Coast rates fell 10% to $5,321 per forty-foot equivalent unit in the week ending Jan. 17, according to the Freightos Baltic Index.

Asia-U.S. East Coast prices slipped 3% to $6,715 per FEU.

“For the time being ex-Asia rates are easing as the lead up to Lunar New Year has ended,” wrote Judah...

Las tarifas de contenedores entre Asia y Estados Unidos disminuyen en la temporada baja

Si bien la tradicional falta de actividad en el transporte marítimo antes del Año Nuevo Lunar ha debilitado las tarifas de transporte de contenedores para los servicios desde Asia a ambas costas de Estados Unidos, una serie de factores están pesando sobre los precios a largo plazo. Las tarifas...