Loaded and Rolling: Trailer as a service; large carrier Q2 earnings boon

Loaded and Rolling Cover ImageTrailer-as-a-service partnership 
(Source: FreightVana)

Trailer pool services are gaining adoption. Wabash, a major manufacturer of equipment, recently announced a partnership with Phoenix-based freight brokerage FreightVana to supply the company with its trailer-as-a-service (TaaS) platform. The platform will provide FreightVana customers with trailer pool services as part of the power-only offering known as FreightVana X. 

This comes as more shippers seek trailer pools to provide greater...


Check Call with FreightVana’s Shannon Breen: Brokerages buying trailers

people gathered around a desk of computers. Check Call news and analysis for 3pls and brokers

On this week’s episode of Check Call, host Mary O’Connell and Shannon Breen, co-CEO and founder at FreightVana, sit down to talk about a brokerage that buys trailers and the importance of authenticity in your brand. 

Also on the podcast is a quick rundown of XPO Logistics’ new hire, David Phalen. Phalen will serve as vice president of pricing for the LTL segment. Phalen spent seven years with American Airlines Group, where he served as managing director of international revenue management and...


FreightVana es una empresa de corretaje de energía que se extiende por todo el país con más de 1.000 remolques este año

La empresa de corretaje de carga FreightVana, con sede en Phoenix, anunció el jueves por la mañana sus planes de comprar más de 1.000 remolques de 53 pies de furgoneta seca en 2022 y ampliar su oferta de corretaje sólo de energía, FreightVana x, a nivel nacional.

El equipo fundador de FreightVana está formado por veteranos de Knight-Swift Logistics, que citaron su profundo “pedigrí” respaldado por activos como la razón por la que FreightVana sería capaz de adquirir, organizar, utilizar y...


FreightVana’s power-only brokerage going nationwide with more than 1,000 trailers this year

Phoenix-based freight brokerage FreightVana announced plans Thursday morning to purchase more than 1,000 53-foot dry van trailers in 2022 and expand its power-only brokerage offering, FreightVana x, nationwide.

FreightVana’s founding team is stacked with veterans from Knight-Swift Logistics who cited their deep asset-backed “pedigree” as the reason why FreightVana would be able to efficiently acquire, stage, utilize and maintain so many trailers. Co-CEOs Shannon Breen and John Gamero, Chief...
