Funds for income hunters

Kate Marshall, Lead Investment Analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown
  • Spanning global, UK, Asia, corporate bonds and ESG investing.
  • Equity income funds allow investors to diversify across many dividend-paying companies.
  • Bonds may offer a more stable income than shares – a useful diversifier to equity income funds.

Kate Marshall, Lead Investment Analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown:

“Many companies were forced to cut or suspend their dividend payments to shareholders in 2020, after the pandemic caused havoc,...

Valentine’s Day: Funds our clients love – and we love too

Valentine’s Day: Funds our clients love – and we love too

Emma Wall
  • We look at the top funds (by net buy) loved by our clients and analysts  – delving into the best buy lists of the last year, and choosing those which our analysts believe have the potential to deliver income and growth for investors over the long term.
  • We also share the stocks that could benefit from Valentine’s Day celebrations.

Emma Wall, Head of Investment Analysis and Research, Hargreaves Lansdown:

Artemis Global Income was...

Συγχωνεύσεις εταιρειών ή spin-off αποσχίσεις στη Wall Street το νέο debate ανάμεσα στους εφοπλιστές

Μπορεί οι ναυλαγορές των πλοίων μεταφοράς εμπορευματοκιβωτίων και των φορτηγών να είναι σε υψηλότατα επίπεδα κάνοντας ράλι κερδών ακολουθούμενες από τα LNG carries, όμως τα funds συνεχίζουν να απέχουν από τις εισηγμένες ναυτιλιακές της Wall Street.

Εκείνοι που κυριαρχούν είναι οι μη θεσμικοί, οι λεγόμενοι day traders που αγοράζουν μετοχές στα χαμηλά πουλάνε στα ψηλά της αγοράς και επανατοποθετούνται.

Την ίδια ώρα οι θεσμικοί επενδυτές παρακολουθούν τις εξελίξεις προκειμένου να δουν αν θα...

Pelagic Partners on course for growth

Pelagic Partners on course for growth

Expanding into Product Tankers ◦ Extending LPG fleet ◦ Preparing Second Fund

On October 11, ship owning fund Pelagic Partners, in partnership with Cypriot outfit Interorient Shipmanagement, took delivery of the MR2 product tanker Star Osprey. The vessel, built in 2007, will join the Norient Product Pool. The price was below recent averages and competitive especially with regards to the very low order book.

The latest acquisition enables the Pelagic Fund I to...

FY2021 budget would slash waterways funding, impose user fees

President Trump’s FY2021 budget for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers repeats a familiar playbook used by both his and previous administrations to impose deep spending cuts for the agency that oversees the inland waterways system and new fees on the navigation industry that Congress has continually rejected.

The budget proposal that was sent by the White House to Congress on Monday envisions a 22% reduction to the Corps’ civil works budget, from the current enacted level of $7.7 billion to $5.966...

Group fights to keep Small Shipyard Grant Program funded

The Maritime Administration’s Small Shipyard Grant Program was first authorized in the fiscal 2006 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and codified in the fiscal NDAA budget. (Marad’s definition of a small shipyard is fewer than 1,200 employees.) The program has been a great help to many of the shipyards that build workboats.

To be eligible, shipyards must build new or repair commercial or government vessels at least 40′ in length. Quite a few of the grants involve the purchase of...

Deborah Layde, Grants Director, Seafarers UK

In episode 116, we meet Deborah Layde, Grants Director at Seafarers UK, is a leading provider of grants to maritime charities and charitable maritime projects, working to help serving and ex-serving seafarers and their families who are experiencing hardship.

Deborah is quite new at her job, previously in her career, she worked for Sir Terence Conran and also with developing the Butler’s Wharf into what it is today. I get a chance to ask Deborah what she thinks about entering the maritime...