Navy Shifts Future Carrier JFK to Single-Phase Delivery With F-35C Modifications Included

In this aerial photograph, the aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) sits at Pier 3 at Newport News Shipbuilding division. The ship is approximately 76 percent complete and is progressing through final outfitting and testing. Huntington Ingalls Industries photo.

The Navy today issued a contract modification to move its next Ford-class aircraft carrier to a more traditional single-phase delivery, with the intention of getting the future John F. Kennedy (CVN-79) in deployable shape on a faster...

Navy Applying USS Gerald Ford Advanced Weapons Elevators Lessons to Rest of Carrier Class

Sailors go over safety procedures for the Upper Stage 1 advanced weapons aboard USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78). US Navy Photo

The Navy is revamping its approach to building weapons elevators on Ford-class aircraft carriers, after finding that each of the 11 unique elevators is generating its own unique set of lessons learned.

Since each of the 11 weapons elevators on the Ford-class carriers is has a slightly different design and function, the Navy found the lessons learned from building one elevator...

Bell-Boeing Delivers First CMV-22B to Navy for COD Mission

First delivered CMV-22B Osprey. Bell-Boeing Photo

The first of a new generation of carrier onboard delivery aircraft delivered to the Navy, the service announced on Friday.

Manufacturer Bell-Boeing turned over a CMV-22B Osprey to the Navy in a ceremony at its Texas assembly facility after four years of design and production.

“There is nothing more important than delivering capabilities to the fleet with speed,” James Geurts, assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and...

SECARMY Memo: Military Medical Reform Effort Risks Combat Healthcare Quality, R&D

Dr. Brian Wong prepares for a laboratory study at Naval Medical Research Unit Dayton’s (NAMRU-Dayton_ Environmental Health Effects Laboratory. Dr. Wong designs studies to determine potential health effects associated with exposure to environmental stressors to address the Unites States Navy and the Department of Defense needs. Navy photo.

U.S. Army officials worry a lack of planning and poor funding for a pending consolidation of how the Pentagon manages military public health and medical...

Pentagon Confirms Low-Yield Nuclear Warhead on Ballistic Missile Sub

Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarine USS Tennessee (SSBN-734) gold crew returns to its homeport at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia, following a strategic deterrence patrol on Jan. 11, 2020. US Navy Photo

The Pentagon acknowledged Tuesday it had deployed at least one low-yield nuclear warhead on a U.S. Navy nuclear ballistic missile submarine.

Last week, The Federation of American Scientists published a report detailing their belief Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine USS Tennessee...

Fincantieri Betting on Power Generation to Land Navy Frigate Contest

Italian FREMM. Fincantierei Marine Group Image

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In the contest to build the Navy’s new class of guided-missile frigates, bidders are counting on power generation as the difference-maker as the service nears awarding a contract.

Though the Navy required bidders to base their future frigate (FFG(X)) designs on a mature design currently in use, the Navy also wants a hull that will be adaptable enough to keep up with future technology and warfighting needs for weapons, radars and...

FY 2020 Defense Measures Almost Law; Bills Contain Conflicting Language on FFG(X)

Just before leaving for a winter break, Congress approved the Fiscal Year 2020 agreements for funding and authorizing military operations while giving the Navy a mixed-message on how to build a planned new class of frigates.

The FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act – the bill providing the military with guidance on how the Pentagon should prioritize $738 billion in authorized spending, along with requiring various reports – is scheduled to be signed into law by President Donald Trump at a...

House, Senate Defense Bill Signs Off on New Shipbuilding Programs, Restricts Others

Leaders from the House and Senate armed services committees agreed to a $738 billion Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, which approves funding for several Navy programs but also imposes limits on a few high-profile ship programs.

Both chambers of Congress are expected to vote on the FY 2020 NDAA later this week. The compromise closed some of the gap separating the House and Senate version of the bill passed earlier this year. The House version authorized $733 billion. The...

VIDEO: Carrier John F. Kennedy Christened

Caroline Kennedy, President John F. Kennedy’s daughter, former ambassador to Japan, and sponsor of the Ford-class aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy (CVN-79), christens the ship on Dec. 7, 2019. US Navy Photo

The future USS John F. Kennedy (CVN-79) was christened Saturday morning during a ceremony at Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News Shipbuilding.

Named for President John F. Kennedy, CVN-79 is the second aircraft carrier named for Kennedy built by Huntington Ingalls and is the second...

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