USGC Spot Bunker Fuel Prices Impacted By Winter

Spot bunker fuel prices were impacted by winter weather in the US Gulf Coast during the week of Feb. 15-19, leading to rises in some ports in the Americas, such as Balboa, and slight changes in others, says an article published in S&P Global.

US Gulf Coast

Retail bunker markets on the Gulf Coast started the last week of February looking for a foothold after being impacted by freezing weather and a collapse in supply in Texas where terminals and some refinery plants had to be shut.

Uncertainty in...

Jet Fuel Regains Premium Over The Gasoil Benchmark

Jet fuel values which dropped significantly in the first part of last year have left negative territory vis-a-vis ICE low sulfur (LS) gasoil to project a reasonable premium over the gasoil benchmark, according to price reporting agency S&P Global Platts.

The pandemic decimated consumer demand for jet travel, as well as cruise, leaving the former sector’s fuel with nowhwere to go.

Emma Thomas Comments

During the first phase of the pandemic, “jet fuel values had gone negative to $80 per metric tonne...



Irene K Notias

SOURCES: Phys. Suppliers, Reuters                  

CRUDE OIL FUTURES @ 13:40 WTI $ 56.79/bbl ↑0.56 Brent $59.39/bbl ↑0.55 Gasoil ↑11.50
PORTS  (Del.costs)VLSFO (0.5%)RMG380RME180DMA LSComments/Earl.del.
PIRAEUS (mtw)470-475360-365n.a.490-495firm prices s.i.-avails
GIBRALTAR (mtd/mtw)465-470366-371n.a.510-515
ISTANBUL (mtw)475-480s.i.n.a.510-515

Asian Gasoil Crunch Eases Amid Additional Exports

  • Asian gasoil market has eased with additional exports from China.
  • The Singapore gasoil August-September time spread narrowed to parity on July 28.
  • China’s gasoil exports are expected to rise in August from relatively low volumes during June-July.
  • Fears of a second wave of COVID-19 has put the gasoil market in a cautious position.

Tightness in the Asian gasoil market has eased with expectations of additional exports from China in the coming months, writes Yawen Lu for Argus Media.

Gasoil demand...

World Oil and Bunker Market Witnesses An Upward Trend

  • OPEC and key ally Russia moved a conference call to discuss future output cuts.
  • Brent for August settlement increased by $1.25 to $39.57 a barrel.
  • West Texas Intermediate for July rose by $1.37 to $36.81 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
  • The Brent benchmark traded at the premium of $2.76 to WTI. Gasoil for June delivery added $20.25.
  • Oil prices have soared thanks to record supply cuts by OPEC+.
  • U.S. sanctions choked exports and two Mexican firms that had acted as intermediaries for...

Refineries Loom Over With Record Oil Product Exports

  • Chinese refineries are battling weak profit margins from the slump in fuel demand.
  • It is caused by lockdowns aimed at containing the coronavirus pandemic.
  • China’s refineries processed the equivalent of 13.1 million bpd in April.
  • Modern, low-cost refineries show fuel exports at a record-high 8 million tonnes in April.
  • China exported 1.72 million bpd of refined products, up 15.1% from the same period in 2019.
  • The margin for gasoil ended at a profit of $3.45 a barrel on May 15 just over $12.79...

Energy Storage Increases To Combat The Use of Fossil Fuels

energy storage hydrogen
  • Low-cost renewables are creeping into the gas territory due to falling costs for energy storage.
  • BNEF’s new report does not reflect the longer-term impact of the economic crash.
  • The US engaged to help Europe reduce its dependence on Russia for natural gas.
  • Europe plans on building a European Green Deal recovery plan to de-emphasize natural gas in favor of renewable energy.
  • 12 EU members have signed on to a letter calling for a green recovery.

According to an article published in Clean Technica...

Valero Set To Profit from IMO 2020

  • $200 crude and epic economic collapse predicted when shipping industry regulation goes into effect Jan. 1, 2020.
  • Oil prices are down from a year ago and the stock market is a record high.
  • Shipping companies and OPEC see no supply problem looming.
  • Valero is positioned to profit if oil prices spike.

If middle distillate or gasoline prices do surge, Valero is a good bet to prosper, says an article published in Seeking Alpha.

IMO 2020

The International Maritime Organization (“IMO”) regulates many...

MR Tankers Focuses on Transaltantic Route To Boost Trade

Rotterdam-New York MR tankers
  • This higher demand may prolong the gains in earnings for medium-range tankers plying transatlantic trades, which have nearly doubled since early October.
  • European shipments to the U.S heading for the Atlantic coast accounted for about 465,000 tonnes monthly, or roughly 128,000 BPD, according to Eurostat data.
  • Diesel imports are not keeping up with demand, as refinery runs fall leading to inventories on the Atlantic coast shrinking.
  • Middle East refineries have compensated with increased...

Global Sulphur Cap: Demand for Marine Gasoil Builds Up

According to Wood Mackenzie Research Director, a switch to cleaner marine fuels in the shipping industry from next year would create more than a million barrels per day (bpd) of incremental demand for marine gasoil, reports Reuters.

IMO Sulphur cap

New regulations from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) will require shippers to reduce the sulphur content in fuels used in their vessels starting from Jan. 1, 2020, and one way to do that is to switch to low-sulphur gasoil.

There will be a...