ICS: “Much work still needed” on IMO GHG reduction plans

How much closer are we to IMO GHG reduction regulations that include putting a price on ships’ GHG emissions? Following a week of discussions by an IMO working group, Guy Platten, secretary general of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), emphasized the need for urgent progress ahead of the critical IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 83) session in April.

“While ICS is broadly satisfied with the progress made on a radical new package of global GHG reduction regulations,...


New study calls for subsidies for e-fuels coupled with a GHG levy

Pressure for the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to put a levy on GHG emissions continues. In the latest contribution to the debate, a new study from UCL Energy Institute Shipping and Oceans Research Group and UMAS sees “significant risk” in some of the options (including a GHG levy) that IMO is considering, for enabling shipping’s energy transition. The analysis comes as IMO prepares for key negotiations in February and April 2025 to finalize the mid-term measures for reducing GHG...


New push for IMO levy on GHG emissions

By as early as 2027, ship operators could face an IMO-imposed charge per tonne of CO2 emitted. The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has released the text of a proposal that has been submitted to an IMO working group. Supported by the ICS and 47 governments, it calls for an annual contribution by ships, per tonne of GHG emitted, to multi-billion-dollar International Maritime Organization (IMO) fund.

According to the ICS, “If fit-for-purpose regulations are approved by IMO Member States in...


MEPC 81: A global carbon tax on shipping is getting closer

As IMO’s MEPC 81 was going on in London last week, ABS Chairman and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki was telling a session of the CERAWeek energy conference in Houston that a universal, global carbon tax on shipping is coming, as alternative blue fuels made with carbon capture emerge as a critical step in the energy transition at sea.

“We need to recognize that there is an intermediate step in the energy transition,” he said. “Last year the conversations were focused on going from oil to a green...


Propuesta a la OMI Criticada por Socavar los Esfuerzos de Descarbonizar el Transporte Marítimo

La propuesta, de ser implementada, podría potencialmente obstaculizar los esfuerzos globales para descarbonizar la industria del transporte marítimo.

Esta entrada Propuesta a la OMI Criticada por Socavar los Esfuerzos de Descarbonizar el Transporte Marítimo Aparece primero en FullAvanteNews.


NYK Releases the 2023 NYK Report

Credit: NYK line

NYK has issued the English version of its 2023 NYK Report.

Report Features

The report features the company’s new medium-term management plan announced in March:

“Sail Green, Drive Transformations 2026 — A Passion for Planetary Wellbeing.”

Additionally, NYK’s ESG management has shifted to an implementation phase, and specific initiatives and results are introduced from various perspectives.

NYK Group ESG Story

In his message, NYK President and CEO Takaya Soga looks back on the...


San Pedro Bay ports ahead of emissions reduction targets

San Pedro Bay ports emissions reduction

The Pacific Merchant Shipping Association (PMSA) reports that emissions from the combined San Pedro Bay ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles continue to decline as a result of marine terminal, ocean carrier and industry partner investments in cleaner equipment and technologies, including operational changes, to improve air quality in Southern California, according to two new reports released by the ports. (Port of Long Beach report and Port of Los Angeles report.)

The San Pedro Bay ports together...


Regulators Shift to Low-Carbon Bunkers for Net-Zero 2050 Goal

Credit: evergreen-marine

Maritime trades have been powered by residual fuels that emit high levels of air pollutants and greenhouse gases for decades, but a growing number of regulators are pushing vessel operators to use greener energy sources.

Low-Carbon Shipping

The International Maritime Organization (IMO), having reduced sulfur limits for bunker fuels, is now leading the charge for low-carbon shipping amid mounting climate pressure. Adrian Tolson of 2050 Marine Energy highlights the agency’s...


ScanOcean And Neste Partner To Supply Biodiesel For Bunkering In Sweden

Credit : Neste

The biodiesel will be made available at the Södertälje ex-pipe facility for ships transiting Lake Mälaren in southern Sweden, near the Baltic Sea, reports engine.online.

Reduction of GHG by 80℅

Neste produces biodiesel at its plant in Porvoo, Finland using renewable feedstocks blended with either marine gas oil or marine diesel oil (MDO). The fuel can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by up to 80% on a lifecycle basis compared to conventional oil-based marine fuels, Neste claims.


Marine Fuel Global Weekly Market Update

Credit: energepic.com/Pexels

A weekly Argus news digest of interest to the conventional and alternative marine fuel markets, offering insights into developments shaping the maritime industry’s fuel landscape.

Alternative marine fuels

New York, 4 August World Kinect bunker sales slump but profit is up US-based fuel supplier World Kinect, formerly known as World Fuel Services, boosted its profit.

Singapore, 4 August Methanex hikes China methanol contract price, cuts Asia Canada-based methanol...
