Biden administration acknowledges ‘challenge’ with new truck emissions rule

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration acknowledged that its aggressive push to decarbonize trucking will be costly — but that the federal government will be here to help.

“The overarching challenge is aligning the market-driven desire from fleets to adopt zero-emission freight vehicles with the resources required to make it successful, and right now, they cost more,” said Gabe Klein, executive director of the U.S. Joint Office of Energy and Transportation.

Speaking to NPR before the release on...

Is a reduction in maritime emissions a market mirage?

The maritime industry has raised environmental concerns, mainly related to emissions.

According to reports, ocean shipping accounts for more than 80% of global trade by volume and contributes nearly 3% of the world’s total greenhouse gas output. Efforts to curb emissions in this industry have gained momentum in recent years, fueled by increasing awareness of climate change.

A December report titled “Decoding Maritime Emissions” questions whether a significant reduction in emissions is a genuine...

Final Chances To Avert Shipping’s Breach Of Paris Agreement

Credit: christian-lue-unsplashCredit: christian-lue-unsplash

Last Chance To Prevent Shipping’s Breach Of Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C Temperature Limit, reveals a Maritime Fair Trade news source.

IMO climate negotiations this week

Civil society groups are deeply concerned about developments at the UN’s International Maritime Organization (IMO) climate negotiations this week (ISWG-GHG-15), in particular regarding the 2030 and 2040 climate targets that are necessary to put global shipping on a...

MOL Expands Financing Base Through Transition Linked Loan

Credit: Emmaus Studio/Unsplash

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. announced that it concluded a “global credit facility agreement” (also known as a “commitment line contract)) (Note 1) through a transition-linked loan with MUFG Bank, Ltd, says an article published on MOL.

Financial instrument designed

This loan is a financial instrument designed to assist companies that are taking action on climate change and are committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in accordance with a long-term strategy...

Big Oil Is Disposing Off Its Harmful Assets, Consequences Say Otherwise

Credit: Brian Kyed/Unsplash

The company’s green objectives are furthered by Shell’s divestments in Nigeria. Villagers and watchdogs, meanwhile, claim that since the sales, things have gotten worse, as reported by Washington Post.

Oil companies selling their business

Lambert Ogbari expressed confidence that his living circumstances would finally improve when he discovered that the multinational oil company Shell was selling its local business to a Nigerian company. Yet he soon discovered that...

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