ClassNK & 22 Industry Players Kick Off Ammonia Fuel Studies

Industry players set up “Joint Study” framework for studying common issues on ammonia as an alternative marine fuel, to get ready to IMO’s decarbonization targets, including energy, mining, power utility, chemical, terminal, shipping, shipbuilding, manufacture, bunkering, and classification society, reads a ClassNK press release.

Ammonia as an alternative fuel

Parties of total 23 companies including ClassNK have entered into a memorandum of understanding on joint study of common issues on ammonia...

i4 Insight Partners With GreenSteam To Cut Costs for Shipowners

  • i4 Insight, a member of Lloyd’s Register Group, has created a platform that provides a single point of access for multiple data streams and applications, delivering a holistic view of ships, fleets and their operations.
  • By partnering with GreenSteam and other leading maritime industry suppliers, i4’s platform will integrate a unique set of products & services that help companies achieve increased operational efficiency.
  • Partnership sees addition of GreenSteam’s machine learning solutions to i4...

Hafnia Enters Tech Deal To Trial Coal Waste-Derived Marine Fuel

  • Arq Fuel will support Hafnia in meeting IMO 2020 targets, improving
    their environmental footprint and reducing fuel costs.
  • Arq and Oslo listed Hafnia have agreed to work together to accredit and introduce Arq Fuel™ as a key blend component for marine fuels, as part of their shared and ongoing commitment to decarbonisation.
  • Arq has developed a novel and patented technology that transforms environmentally damaging coal waste into a micro-fine hydrocarbon powder.
  • Arq Fuel offers material benefits...

ETS ‘Passes Over’ Shipping Industry’s Calls for Collaboration

  • EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) has ignored calls from INTERCARGO for collaboration and adapted solutions to achieve GHG emissions for greener shipping.
  • The International Maritime Organization (IMO) works to ensure a level playing field globally unlike European or other regional regulations.
  • The latter have proven ineffective, as they create distortions and multi-tier markets, or even trade tensions.
  • A thorough impact assessment on the inclusion of shipping in EU ETS is imperative.
