Gibsons Tanker Report : Rates Has Started To Rebound After A Busy Week

Credit: Fredrick F. on Unsplash

Following on from last month’s release of the IEA Net Zero (NZE) 2050 report, the publishing of its World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2023 provides a glimpse into when oil demand may peak based on the Stated Policy Scenario (STEPS) framework, which is based on the current trajectory of global decarbonisation policy and is less pessimistic in its demand outlook.

However, it is important to note that it is just one of three alternative forecast scenarios and contrasts with...

Gibson Tanker Market Report

Credit: kinsey-unsplash

Amidst an intense heatwave, Europe’s Rhine River faces challenges from lower rainfall, affecting vital inland waterway transport for petroleum products. Draft restrictions and reduced cargo capacity at the Kaub choke point impact fuel distribution and regional stocks. With climate change contributing to such disruptions, concerns arise about long-term resilience in the distribution network. 

Trouble in the Rhineland

In Europe, besides contending with an intense heatwave,...

Brasil Aumenta Protagonismo como Productor de Crudo

Un ambicioso plan para duplicar la producción de crudo de Brasil podría generar una demanda significativa de petrolero de crudo transportado por mar. En su último informe semanal, el corredor marítimo Gibson dijo que “desde 2019 Brasil se ha convertido en el principal exportador de crudo de América Latina, con envíos de crudo (para todos los productores) que alcanzaron un récord de 1,4 millones de b / d el año pasado.

Esta entrada Brasil Aumenta Protagonismo como Productor de Crudo Aparece...