IMO Establishes New Module on GISIS for Crew Change & Repatriation 

IMO establishes a new module on GISIS for crew change & repatriation of seafarers, reports BIMCO.

Series of revisions

The IMO has been issuing MSC.1/circ.1 in a series of revisions, each time a new Member State informs the IMO of their national focal point of contact for crew change and repatriation of seafarers. 

IMO announced via their circular letter no. 4398 dated 8th April,that a new module on Crew Change and Repatriation of Seafarers is now available on the Global Integrated Shipping...

[Answer] What is IMO’s Global Integrated Shipping Information System?

International Maritime Organisation and its committees specifically the Maritime Safety Committee (MPC) and the Technical Cooperation Committee has been continually striving for better safety standards and working conditions at sea.


GISIS (Global Integrated Shipping Information System) is developed, maintained and headed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

This system (website) is aimed at allowing on-line access to the information and data supplied to the IMO Secretariat...

What is IMO’s Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS)?


International Maritime Organisation and its committees specifically the Maritime Safety Committee (MPC) and the Technical Cooperation Committee has been continually striving for better safety standards and working conditions at sea.

GISIS (Global Integrated Shipping Information System) is developed, maintained and headed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

This system (website) is aimed at allowing on-line access to the information and data supplied to the IMO Secretariat by...

IMO Confronts Fraudulent Flag Registries

In response to a spike in fake flag registrations, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is seeking to combat “rogue” national flag registries which are operating without the knowledge of governments they claim to represent, according to the insurer Standard Club.

Illegal reports received by IMO

For instance, the global maritime regulator has recently reported that –

  • 73 vessels were unlawfully flying the flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
  • 91 vessels were illegally registered...

Five Ballast Water-Related Predictions for 2019

Detentions and arrests, missed compliance deadlines, mergers and more; Craig Jallal predicts the top trends for the ballast water sector for 2019, reports Ballast Water Treatment Technology.

2019: Record-Breaking Year for USCG Detentions

Where there is a regulation, there must follow an example being made of the rule breakers to get the word out about the regulation. Therefore, Craig makes the sad prediction that more ships will be detained and more crew arrested in 2019.

The bulk of these arrests...