What is IMO’s Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS)?


International Maritime Organisation and its committees specifically the Maritime Safety Committee (MPC) and the Technical Cooperation Committee has been continually striving for better safety standards and working conditions at sea.

GISIS (Global Integrated Shipping Information System) is developed, maintained and headed by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

This system (website) is aimed at allowing on-line access to the information and data supplied to the IMO Secretariat by...


EU Proposes Changing Fuel Reporting Mechanisms for IMO 2020 Consistency

  • The EU’s proposal of shipping reporting mechanism change is up for a debate at the MEPC of the IMO next month.
  • The current reporting system would be expanded to allow for reporting and testing of sulphur fuel content for 3-5 years.
  • In addition to shipowners reporting fuel non-availability, the proposal also calls for the testing agencies to provide data on ports, dates and fuel quantity supplied.
  • As of February, 3 ships have reported compliant fuel non-availability whereas IMO’s global...
