Capacity restoration is key to crisis recovery, says Global Shippers Forum

Global Shippers Forum, the global trade body that advises shippers and cargo owners in the conduct of international trade, has conducted a study indicating that shippers have found alternative ways of getting their goods to market, while available container shipping services have reached their maximum point and service patterns have changed to serve congested routes.

In particular, global trade has continued to grow during the third quarter but with deployed container shipping capacity fully...

“Congestion is not just for Christmas,” says Global Shippers Forum

The wave of congestion that is sweeping through global supply chains delaying deliveries of seasonal goods and essential commodities, stranding many shippers between meeting impossible delivery deadlines while paying record shipping rates is not set to subside anytime soon, according to Global Shippers Forum (GSF).

“This is proving to be the ‘Peak Season like no other’, just as we predicted,” said GSF, the voice of cargo owners in international trade.

Speaking at a High-Level Maritime Dialogue,...

Shippers struggle as container carriers’ earnings skyrocket

Importers and exporters are facing a rapidly disintegrating container shipping market as deployed capacity fails to keep pace with returning consumer and business demand and shipping rates escalate beyond reach for many small to medium enterprises (SMEs), according to the latest Container Shipping Market Review compiled by MDS Transmodal and the Global Shippers Forum (GSF).

The findings review show a slight increase in the numbers of ships deployed, which allowed higher numbers of containers to...

Cargo Integrity Group calls for risk-based measures to prevent pest contamination

Cargo Integrity Group calls for risk-based measures to prevent pest contamination

The international freight transport organisations of the Cargo Integrity Group are calling for urgent action from actors in global supply chains to reduce the risk of pest transference through international cargo movements.

The five partners[i] in the Cargo Integrity Group, known as CIG, recognise the vital importance of focusing on the threat of invasive pests to natural resources across the world, and of the...

New attempt to re-float Ever Given later today, as GSF warns of long-term effects

Ship operator Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM), technical manager of the 20,388TEU Ever Given has announced that it is intensifying its attempts to pull the ship from the sandy bottom of the Suez Canal, following its grounding on 23 March.

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Things can only get better as carrier/shipper relations turn “nasty”

According to Gordon Downes, the CEO of the online cargo booking site NYSHEX, “Things are getting nasty in container shipping,” as shippers and carriers clash in “misguided” attempts to shift the blame for the current state of the supply chain onto someone else.

Shippers are blaming the carriers for lacking loyalty, declining levels of service, incompetence and collusion, said Downes, while the lines are sticking to the line that they have a service contract and all they can offer is the minimum...

FMC probe finds evidence of common carrier rule infringements

The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) investigation into the carrier’s alleged refusal to carry US export cargo has found some evidence that lines are not meeting their regulatory obligations, according to commissioner Carl Bentzel.

Allegations from US exporters, particularly from the agricultural industry, that the lines have refused to carry cargo, preferring instead to rush containers back to Asia for the more lucrative eastbound Pacific trade, in contravention of the common carrier...

Shippers prepare for bruising Asia/Europe contract season

European shippers are preparing for the upcoming contract season with a warning to shipping lines that should they seek to maintain the massive hikes in rates seen over this extraordinary year they will take further action.

Reports of Asia to Europe rates as high as US$10,000/FEU are said to include the various surcharges applicable to freight currently moving on the trades, but James Hookham, Secretary General of the Global Shippers’ Forum (GSF), told Container News, that the European Union...